British Youth Take More Illegal Drugs than Other!

British Youth Take More Illegal Drugs than Other!
Posted by FoM on December 18, 1998 at 12:10:59 PT
This article surprised me!
London - Young people in Britain are taking up to five times more illegal drugs than their European counterparts, according to a report issued Friday. 
The annual report of the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), based in Lisbon, shows that British people in their teens and 20s are more likely to take illegal drugs than young people in countries like Germany and France. Britain topped the western European league on ecstasy and amphetamines and came second for cocaine and cannabis, BBC quoted the report as saying. Nine percent of young people in Britain said they had tried ecstasy, compared with only 2.8 percent of Germans, 3.1 percent of French and 1 percent of Belgians and Swedes. And as many as 16 percent of British young people said they had tried amphetamines, compared with 1.6 percent of French people and 4 percent of Germans. According to the report, Britain came second in the amount of young people who take cocaine while Spain topped the league. The report also shows that around 36 percent of Britons admitted to taking cannabis -- the most common illegal drug in Europe, compared with 25.7 percent of French people, 21 percent of Germans and 22 percent of Spanish people. The British government issued a White Paper on tackling the UK drugs problem earlier in the year. It stressed the need to reduce use among young people. The Standing Conference on Drug Abuse says use of illegal drugs has increased eightfold among 15 year olds in the last 10 years and fivefold among 12 year olds. It believes the problem is bad in Britain because of cultural and supply reasons. 
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Comment #2 posted by Rosie on March 16, 2001 at 07:27:43 PT:
Media degree presentation
For part of my degree I have to give a presentation on the effects of the media representation of drugs on the youth of Britain. If anyone has any ideas of websites that may help me, I would be grateful for any help that anyone could give me!!ThanksRosie xxxx
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Comment #1 posted by Ellie on November 14, 2000 at 06:58:28 PT:
hi there.i dont really know if you will be able to help me but i am hoping that you can.i am an A' level media students and for part of my coursework i have to produce a series of adverts.I am advertising a company that is set up as a drug rehabilitation centre. i am very keen to know what sort of emements would be good to include in my advertising campaign.could anyone give me any help or advise as to what would appeal to an audience of a drug rehab centre???it would be most appriciated. feel free to e mail me, with any ideas.Thankyou Ellie XXX
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