Leave The Pot Smokers Alone Leave The Pot Smokers Alone Posted by FoM on June 02, 2000 at 08:59:51 PT Letters To The Editor Source: Star-Bulletin There were two opposing letters in your May 27 issue, one titled "Legalize marijuana and bring it under regulation" and the other headlined "Marijuana is a threat to our children." After reading many official scientific reports of the health effects of smoking cannabis, I must agree with the first letter. This question is best left in the hands of the medical profession, not the courts. Arresting someone for a so-called crime that hurts nobody else is unlikely to have a positive effect on the individual or society. Let's put an end to this sad war on cannabis users and introduce a little compassion, common sense and good advice into the equation. Alun BuffryNorfolk, EnglandLegalise Cannabis Alliance Should be Legalized, Not Barred:I appreciate Rep. Colleen Meyer's concern for our children in her May 27 letter, but marijuana should be at the bottom of the list when it comes to drugs that are harmful.The Netherlands has found that, by regulating marijuana sales to adults, their children use marijuana less frequently than do American children. When we teach children that marijuana is the same as heroin or crack, they don't believe us. They will try almost any other drug that comes along because they can't trust what they've been taught.We had best get drugs under control, regulated and off the street, so that minors have less access to them. Get drugs into the pharmacies, where they belong. Kim HannaFramingham, Mass.Published: June 1, 2000© 2000 Honolulu Star-BulletinRelated Article:Marijuana Is a Threat to Our Children Marijuana Stand Clarified Bill Misunderstood Marijuana OK Shows True Compassion Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #1 posted by Paul Large on June 21, 2001 at 15:24:10 PT: My Experience I've been smoking hash and weed for the last 9 years (I'm now 24) and have NEVER experienced any kind of violence, tention, misjudjement towards others.... Somehow, the idea of standing in the rain at two in the morning just out from a club and wondering if the group of drunk guys behind you are going to mug you, isn't as appealing as having a pleasant, adult evening with fellow smokers (and non-smokers)and enjoying the feeling of being 'loved up' and creative. I hold a good job, own my own house and car....WHAT IS THE PROBLEM????......C'mon...lets get sensible about it. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: