Study: Kids Listening To Parents' Drug Warnings

Study: Kids Listening To Parents' Drug Warnings
Posted by FoM on November 21, 1999 at 11:57:14 PT
By Larry Mcshane, Associated Press
Source: Fox News
Teen-agers' drug use is leveling off amid growing evidence that America's youth, which once viewed drugs as almost a rite of passage, now views them as uncool, according to the annual survey by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America. 
The 12th survey of U.S. teen-agers, released Monday, found that 40 percent of those questioned felt "really cool'' teens did not use drugs — an increase of 5 percent from last year. Among 13- to 15-year-olds, only 8 percent believed marijuana smokers were popular, down from 13 percent last year and 17 percent in 1997, the survey found. "The tide appears to be turning,'' said Partnership chairman James E. Burke. "Across the board ... teen-agers are disassociating drugs from critically important badges of teen identity.'' But Burke said the war against drugs was far from over: "It's too early to declare a major turnaround in drug-related attitudes and drug use.'' The survey found other evidence that the role of drugs in teen culture was dissipating: — Thirty-five percent of teens felt that "most people will try marijuana sometime''; that figure was 40 percent a year ago. — The number of teens agreeing with the statement "it seems like marijuana is everywhere these days'' dropped to 48 percent this year, down from 52 percent last year and 59 percent in 1997. — While 48 percent of teens last year felt musicians made drug use look tempting, that figure was down to 42 percent this year. — Trial use of marijuana, inhalants, methamphetamine, LSD, cocaine and crack were all down. The dropoff in cocaine and crack trial use was the first since 1993. The Partnership for a Drug-Free America, launched in 1987, is a non-profit coalition of communications industry professionals aimed at reducing the demand for illegal drugs. Its latest survey questioned 6,529 teens aged 13-to-18 nationwide. The survey's margin of error is plus or minus 1.8 percent. Pubdate: November 21, 1999comments© 1999, News America Digital Publishing, Inc. Related Articles:What Should You Tell Your Kids About Your Drug Use-11/17/99, What Did You Smoke, Mom? - 11/11/99 Parenting Problems Of Pot - 8/12/99
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Comment #3 posted by Frustrated on November 22, 1999 at 17:09:18 PT
RE to greenfox
Right on!  I personally think we should ban all crackheads from Congress (like Orrin Hatch, Jesse Helms, and others---YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!) Who really gives a sh*t what teens think anyways? Since we are locking them up as adults faster than they can graduate high school, it's obvious that nobody listens to little kids, except propaganda machines like D.A.R.E (Donuts Are Really Expensive hahahahahaa!!) and Partnership for a Drug-Free (should read "Idiot-Free") America. As someone commented on another article today, "They Didn't Ask ME!!!!"what crackheads. i hate politicians--especially liars (all of them!)
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Comment #2 posted by Amazed.. on November 21, 1999 at 13:34:13 PT
truth is...
these things go in cycles, never straight up or straight down...face it, legalization is the only way to control and restrict drug use.
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Comment #1 posted by greenfox on November 21, 1999 at 12:24:48 PT
stoned again..
on the good shit, this time. :) But it looks like I've got some competition! See:"The tide appears to be turning,'' said Partnership chairman James E. Burke. "Across the board ... teen-agers are disassociating drugs from critically importantbadges of teen identity.'' That's ok. Some argue James E. Burke is a crackhead. Let's continue:"Thirty-five percent of teens felt that "most people will try marijuana sometime''; that figure was 40 percent a year ago."What the hell does this have to do with the price of ergot? I think it's another hit off the old crack pipe for these folks. So less teen agers feel that people will smoke pot. So what? Where are the statistics? What was the mean of the group interviewed? How diverse was the group? How large was the sample count? What was the age barrier? Was it true random selection (a table chart of randomness) or the "Partnerships" version of random? SOunds like a crackhead survey to me. Ya know what the thing is about numbers? Like wet spaghetti, they can be bent this way and that very easily. Let me give you an example:"A new study shows four out of five tornadoes can be DEADLY!"Well, if the sample group was five people from Nebraska giving their opinion, (that is, noting based on fact) then of course the turnout will be the stated above. Why? Because there wasn't a large enough sample size, plus the sample group was biased. Didn't studies (at one time) base their facts on BACKED stats? Not propoganda bullshit? OK, just checking. Obviously,t he crackheads are in full roll. :) :Its latest survey questioned 6,529 teens aged 13-to-18 nationwide. The survey's margin of error is plus or minus 1.8 percent:Umm how was this determined? And from where was the group sampled? One city? One state?  I called and asked for a spec sheet backing this up. They hang up on you! Try it if you don't believe me. It's crazy.-green
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