Coalition Runs NYT Ad To Dispute MJ Editorial
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Coalition Runs NYT Ad To Dispute MJ Editorial
Posted by CN Staff on August 02, 2014 at 12:21:07 PT
By Niraj Chokshi 
Source: Washington Post
USA -- A coalition of groups is running a full-page advertisement in the New York Times this weekend, advocating against the maturing movement to legalize marijuana.The ad comes in response to a New York Times editorial series launched last weekend arguing for an end to marijuana prohibition. In it, the newspaper’s editorial board advocated for an end to the federal ban on the drug. The ad, pictured below, features a businessman with the pasted-on head of a hippie, a visual metaphor for what the groups warn is the disconnected perception and reality when it comes to legalization.
“The legalization of marijuana means ushering in an entirely new group of corporations whose primary source of revenue is a highly habit-forming product,” the ad reads. “Sounds a lot like another industry we just put in its place. Many facts are being ignored by this and other news organizations. Go to to see why so many major medical associations oppose marijuana legalization.”The website, which contains resources about the dangers of marijuana, is affiliated with Project SAM, which stands for Smart Approaches to Marijuana. The nonprofit was co-founded by former congressman and former head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Patrick Kennedy and former Obama administration drug policy adviser professor Kevin Sabet. It advocates against legalization, but in favor of dropping mandatory minimum sentences and removing criminal penalties while expunging records for low-level users of the drug, and pushes for better access to treatment, education and prevention. The group contends that legalization risks the creation of a predatory industry“In the marijuana business, the values of the flower children have been quickly replaced by the values of Wall St. power brokers,” Sabet said in a statement. “We’re on the brink of creating the next Big Tobacco. We feel like this is an important message most Americans have not considered.”The implementation of legalization by Colorado officials–some of them at least initially opposed to it–has been described as a success, though it’s too early to assess the public health impact of the law itself. In Washington, the only other state to also legalize pot, the drug went on sale this month. Legalization is on the November ballot in Oregon and Alaska.The coalition behind the new website includes:• The American Society of Addiction Medicine, a group that boasts more than 3,000 addiction physician and professional members• The National Association of Drug Court Professionals, a nonprofit whose members include judges, attorneys and clinical specialists• National Families in Action, a group dedicated to getting state laws passed to prevent marketing of drugs and drug use to children.• Parents Opposed to Pot.Niraj Chokshi reports for GovBeat, The Post's state and local policy blog.Source: Washington Post (DC) Author: Niraj Chokshi Published: August 2, 2014Copyright: 2014 Washington Post CompanyContact: letters Website: URL:  -- Cannabis Archives 
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Comment #2 posted by Hope on August 04, 2014 at 14:44:16 PT
I've mentioned this before when we were pondering the prohib's great hatred. Why? What do they hate so badly about the cannabis consumer? What are they afraid of to the point of being willing to tear apart families, even kill and imprison others? Some time ago, I was thinking out loud that maybe it was that look. Those lazy eyes. That illegal smile. That effect Could that be what arouses such hatred and fear in them?It is, I think. This ad of flailing prohibs proves it.Go and look at the picture in the single page ad.They are still "Demonizing".
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Comment #1 posted by swazi-x on August 02, 2014 at 13:50:36 PT
Wrong Industry
The industries we need to worry about already exist - and they're lining up behind this wrong headed attack on the normalization of a plant that's helped humanity for 10,000+ years.American Society of Addiction Medicine? Drug Court Professionals? Guess who will lose money and status once cannabis prohibition is lifted? That these "professional" organizations - the medical ones specifically, who's substantial education is supposedly based on science and not spiritualism or voodoo - would be so clueless as to publicly announce their opposition to lifting the brutal prohibition against a plant that is one of the safest things a human can possibly take is more than bizarre. It's a testament to the fact that we've been duped for decades in this matter, and they're just playing along with the scam as if it was 1950 and we didn't have instant access to the science that shows their claims to be the lies they are.
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