It's Time for Unity in The Marijuana Movement

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  It's Time for Unity in The Marijuana Movement

Posted by CN Staff on September 15, 2010 at 10:27:42 PT
By Morgan Fox  
Source: AlterNet  

USA -- Marijuana users are an extremely diverse group. Whether it be medical or recreational use, they can be found in almost every demographic imaginable in America. As such, there are a wide variety of opinions on how marijuana should be treated by society at large, as well as how to achieve such goals. This shouldn't be surprising, and there is always room for debate on what the best models and methods for reform should be. Recently, however, a disturbing trend has emerged.
It appears that there is a growing contingent of marijuana users and people associated with the industry, both legal and illicit, who are actively fighting against efforts to make marijuana legal for all adults. There are several arguments being thrown around to defend the status quo of marijuana prohibition. Some of those arguments are well intentioned but shortsighted. Some are downright malicious. The one commonality they have is their divisive effect on the movement at a time when unity is crucial to finally end the government's war on marijuana users.A common complaint is that, in a regulated marijuana market, big corporations will push out small businesses. This is an understandable fear, especially to someone who has spent his or her life, and risked imprisonment and persecution, trying to run a marijuana-related business. These people surely do not want to see a culture and industry that they love taken over by corporate interests and diluted. But corporations already control marijuana. They are the cartels that heavily influence the market and bring death to our borders and our inner cities. They are the prison-builders that lobby for harsher sentencing so they can keep the cells full and the cash flowing. They are the pharmaceutical companies that stonewall cannabinoid research so they can keep pushing expensive pills.Of course some big businesses are going to see opportunity in a newly legal and regulated marijuana market and will try to take advantage of it. And surely some of their practices will be detestable. Marijuana consumers have a right to choose, though. Big businesses cannot "ruin marijuana" any more than Coors has ruined beer. As with alcohol, with its thriving microbrew industry, there will inevitably be a large market for higher-quality, locally grown marijuana.Another popular attack against potential reforms is that they do not go far enough. There are many people who feel very strongly about securing certain protections, whether they be the right to grow at home, amnesty for marijuana prisoners, personal possession limits, and so on. The most vocal among them feel so strongly that they would rather see a decent bill fail than pass without their inclusion. While we can sit around dreaming about what the country would be like with "perfect" marijuana laws, the political reality is that we cannot get anywhere near there without taking incremental steps. We are fighting against more than seventy years of lies and propaganda, as well as entrenched corporate and government interests. By building on small victories, we can more easily pass improved laws and overturn bad portions of otherwise good laws. We cannot build on zero victories. While we sit around arguing about minor concessions and principles, people are going to jail or dying. We cannot afford to wait for the rest of the country to come around to the way of thinking of the more radical among us, even if we might agree with them.The worst obstructionist arguments come from people who are doing just fine under prohibition. They come from the growers and dealers, who stand to lose a little bit of the tremendous amount of money they make in the illegal market. They come from the guys that think marijuana is only "cool" if it is unregulated, and don't want to lose their status. They come from the young adults who simply do not care if it is legal or not, because they are going to do it anyway. Never mind that their lifestyles come at the expense of others' freedom! In all seriousness, if you want to be a cool, wealthy outlaw, here is some advice: develop a personality, and buy a motorcycle. The rest of us are sick of living our lives on the lam for you. If you cannot support marijuana reform because of such selfish reasoning, please remove yourself from the debate.The time has never been better for making real progress in marijuana reform. As we propose new changes and laws, everyone should get a chance to voice their opinions or concerns. When we have a chance to pass improved marijuana laws, however, we need to present a united front. As long as someone can be arrested for marijuana in the United States, we need to support each other -- even if we, as individuals, do not get exactly what we want. For registered voters in California, this means coming out to the polls on November 2 to vote yes on Proposition 19. Note: It appears that there is a growing contingent of marijuana users and people associated with the industry who are fighting against efforts to make it legal for all adults.Source: AlterNet (US)Author:  Morgan Fox Published: September 15, 2010Copyright: 2010 Independent Media InstituteContact: letters Website: -- Cannabis Archives

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Comment #29 posted by afterburner on September 19, 2010 at 23:30:46 PT
museman & Hope, et alia
imho, we have the power to assert our God-given rights as Freemen & Freewomen to enjoy the blessings that the Most High has provided for His/Her children. We are children of the British Common Law tradition, which permits any activity not explicitly prohibited by law. We are being moulded by international interests and treaties to follow Napoleanic Law, which outlaws anything not expressly permitted by law. The Codex Alimentarius is one such bedevilment that nations and unelected entities are trying to force onto all citizens of this planet. Natural plants could be permitted only if in the Codex list and only in the potencies written into international treaties. This obsession with tracking and "controlling" all food & herbs is an obvious outgrowth of the Controlled Substances Act, stemming from the original Treaty of the Hague (1912), based on fear of the unfamiliar. ego transcendence or ego destruction, that is the question.Legalize freedom. 
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Comment #28 posted by FoM on September 18, 2010 at 12:52:20 PT
He sure isn't.
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Comment #27 posted by museman on September 18, 2010 at 12:48:31 PT
"...about his life and different drug use."And he ain't apologizin'
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Comment #26 posted by FoM on September 18, 2010 at 12:39:31 PT
I really enjoyed that video. I don't know what the rest of Le Noise will be but that song is about his life and different drug use. He sure liked his Hash and Marijuana in the song too. Glad you liked it. Neil is real.
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Comment #25 posted by museman on September 18, 2010 at 12:34:49 PT
FoM #24
thanx,Neil. I understand him 100% No pop mysteries or glitz, just one damn good for real musician.
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Comment #24 posted by FoM on September 17, 2010 at 17:15:34 PT
I thought you might appreciate this one new song that is posted of Neil Young called the Hitchiker. It will be on his new CD called Le Noise.
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Comment #23 posted by museman on September 17, 2010 at 09:59:12 PT
Hope 13
Holiness. Or Sacred,Many years ago, in the height of the first bush wars, the armed thugs invading our lives was nearly overwhelming. Helicopters everyday, flying around frightening livestock and small children, redneck 'posses' on horseback riding through property, damaging lawns and gardens, and sheriffs on every crossroad, pulling over everyone with long hair or any indicators of possible hippiness, I had to wonder at one point whether or not the universe was trying to tell me something about the situation.So I consulted the only existent authority on anything, YHWH, and I was asked to define for myself what the material nature/value of the herb actually was. If it was a 'sacrament' -which until recent health issues I regarded it as- then there was no monetary value. It should be shared freely, or at least traded with explicit understanding of it's sacredness. For many years I grew under the noses of the drug warriors, and even when I got caught (because of other people) I was protected by the Holy Spirit.To me, growing pot purely for profit was tantamount to a kind of blasphemy and I could clearly see the karma of it.But now, as I use the herb (legally) as medicine for relief of pain and stress, I have had to revise my adjudications, and allow for the commodity aspect. As a medicine that can be used by anyone, not just those who understand and respect the Sacred, a material value or price can be attached to the product.If I had my way, I would have achieved the ability to grow my herb based on its 'religious' use under the constitutional liberty given us, but unfortunately 'religious freedom' like every other 'freedom' (lol) only comes when you take it and become an outlaw, or you buy in and pay the various fees.Fortunately for me and many others (but not nearly enough) I can now grow both Sacrament and medicine under the same blanket of 'medical.' I have conceded the commodity aspect of pot, so I cannot fault those making some chump change (and I guarantee that compared to those who are really concerned about this- unless they are just ass-kissers of the status quo- that their 'income' is well beyond what pot growers might make in a few good seasons.-if not it's probably just a lack of intelligence or awareness)I have long believed in the magical properties of cannabis to put one closer to Nature and Yah, but I have also learned that the greatest sacraments or medicines can do nothing for a recalcitrant mind. This country was supposedly founded primarily on the desire to worship 'god' in ways that felt better to the spirit than mandatory attendance to the 'Kings Church.' Thus 'freedom of religion' is a big lie that the potentates of politics like to spout along with the other lies about our basic human rights.When I tried to defend my use of the herb as a Sacrament, I discovered that the only 'religions' we are 'free' to practice have to be 'registered' and approved by the government before you have the liberty to do so and if it's not some bastardized form of xtianity, it ain't 'religion.' (one example of why the powers and principalities have succeeded so well in instilling muslimophobia in stupid americans)Fortunately for those who know the truth, the wait is nearly over for the final demise and destruction of the false powers and their infrastructure of lies and deceptions. For those who cling to the false premises of the status quo, who compromise the truth for a fistful of dollars and a few dollars more, their surprise will be epic.Unfortunately the falling down of these ancient -but-still-in-power dynasties of corruption and evil, is going to be rough, because those who could turn the tide sit still and continue to serve the beast and its ways. Many have little choice, because they do things they must to survive. There is still time though, to get out of Babylon. But getting out of Babylon has no room in its reality for JUSTIFYING Babylon. You are either part of it or you aren't, there is no middle ground, no acceptable 'luke-warm' status.I take great personal comfort in knowing that those who deceive -for whatever reason -even as simple and trite as trying to deceive members of an online forum such as this- will meet a very undesirable end. I am not comforted by the suffering they will undertake for their complicity in deception, but by their final removal from this place.It is hard to go through life knowing any part of your future, because no one believes you unless you have the stamp of approval of the corruption -because everyone has been well trained in fear and has very little clue as to real faith and the power of belief, unless they actively seek it out. And one cannot actively seek the truth and serve the status quo at the same time. Those who claim thus at the very least deceive themselves, but unfortunately gullibility provides access for these posers and pretenders to insert their deception into the mix, and it's just a shitload of more work for the real 'light workers' (and anyone can claim anything-until proven otherwise.)But the future is here. And denial of the obvious -and getting more obvious by the moment- for the sake of ego is just ludicrous.But the pretense will continue, and it's equally obvious to me that many will suffer because of those people, but in the interest of mis-understood 'liberty' we must accept and endure it to the end.LEGALIZE FREEDOM
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Comment #22 posted by FoM on September 17, 2010 at 06:14:00 PT
Paint with Light
I have a difficult time sitting still long enough to watch a documentary all the way through but the Green Rush movie held my attention. It was totally different then anything I have ever seen concerning marijuana. I really liked the Vietnam Veteran. He had such a good Spirit about him and then to be robbed was really sad.
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Comment #21 posted by Sinsemilla Jones on September 17, 2010 at 04:45:17 PT
Pro Pot Anti Prop 19s = Pro Obama Birthers?
Is it really possible?I've yet to hear anyone say they liked the President and his policies, but thought he was born in Kenya.Yet, there are actually people who grow and sell cannabis who are against the legalization of cannabis.But the Supposedly Pro Pot Anti 19s are a lot like the Birthers. No facts seem to deter them from making their false claims.Of course the Birthers hang on to their BS, because they are opposed to Obama.The Supposedly Pro Pot Anti 19s are afraid of lower profits.There are a couple of questions that should be asked of these Supposedly Pro Pot Anti 19s.For the medical dispensary owners who oppose Prop 19, isn't this pretty much an admission that you think a lot of your customers are recreational users?And for the growers and dealers who seem perfectly happy to jump in bed with the majority of law enforcement against Prop 19, isn't this an admission that you probably are already in bed with law enforcement?
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Comment #20 posted by Hope on September 16, 2010 at 22:43:28 PT
Guess so.
"I guess if you are not one of the jailed or dead life is good for you. Why worry about someone else?"Paint with light, one of the best, time tested, tried and true ways to stop worrying too much about yourself is to be concerned for other people. Try not to let it make you sick... but I think it's an important part of living. I don't want to fight with prohibitionists or the law. Physically throw down? God forbid. I'm a peacemaker... I hope.The prohibitionists, legislators, and enforcers have "Thrown down" a lot of people. A lot of them have been "Thrown down". A lot of people have already been hurt and killed. They need to stop it. For God's sake. For humankind's sake, Please.To the professional prohibitionists I have to say. What in the world do you think, you're doing? Life is hard. You seem to be making it much harder on so many people, unnecessarily, wrongfully... even if you 'know not what you do'... and with expensive, doubtful, deadly, and drastic results... often. Can't you find a less deadly and ugly way to "Help"? Good grief. No you can't. Can you? Because people have minds of their own and they disagree with you and you think you have to hit them hard... to hit them where it hurts. To hurt them... to threaten them... to scare them... to take their control them. Because you're so "Civilized".Like I say... I really don't want to address the powerful status quo and all we've striven against. This struggle is not something I ever in my wildest dreams wanted to do or be a part of. I hoped I'd never see such a thing like some of the things that have happened to people and all the people of this country, because of the WoD. Sometimes we have to speak up or it's just wrong... and that's what all this Drug War business and all it's victims is. I saw other people, Bill Buckley, Ethan Nadlemann, and several others, brave enough to step up and tell the prohibitionists and government they were wrong. I'd already written letters and made phone calls to legislators and called into television shows... once.. maybe twice... I got on. I did. I called them when there was a drug war or cannabis issue being discussed. C-Span in the morning one time and some sort of religious news network political discussion show in the morning one time. I was cooking breakfast.I found even more people when I got online. They had web sites. They gathered news. They wrote letters to legislators, newspapers, magazines and discussed the problem... openly.... out loud... on web sites. They made phone calls and took polls. They tried, and are still trying, to wake the people up that seem to be unaware that a terrible injustice was and is happening. Still is.I have worn out too many soap boxes. Fourteen at least. Other's have worn out many more.But I had no choice. I had seen the injustice and wrong and I had seen some people I liked and respected stand up and speak out against it. I thought I should stand up with them. For good measure. Because it was right. You know... hang together or hang separately. I hoped it would go like the Bundle of Brothers,the supposedly Chinese children's story of the seven squabbling brothers being like twigs or sticks. Breakable alone... but strong in bundles. Like hang together and be strong.Lol!Stop the expensive and deadly persecutions already!The saddest part is that Kaptinemo was right, of course. He often lamented and warned that the prohibitionists would not allow prohibition as we know it, to end, because it was the right thing to do. They would only stop it when they ran out of money. Well stopping a wrong is stopping a wrong. Sometimes one blow, if you will, won't knock a bad thing to death or submission. Sometimes you have to beat it... for a long time. That may be the deal with the proposition 19. It may not be THE blow that ends prohibition... but it's a blow. We need to see it land firmly.Beating a bad thing to death? I'm not talking about "Tough Love" here. I'm talking about a powerful political initiative and a vote of the citizens, that, if is in mandate territory, and if passed, soundly, will make a huge and loud difference in pushing back the deadly agenda and consequences of prohibition."Yes"on Proposition 19. Please! It's all we've got... all of us... even those that can't actually vote for it, and it's not that bad. It would be crazy to pass up this chance for little flaws one realizes or imagines is in it.And yet, I can tell you, I believe, even if you vote against it and it fails...things are going to change. They are going to get better. For everyone. For all of us.
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Comment #19 posted by Paint with light on September 16, 2010 at 21:54:50 PT
Thank you for your very professional work.The camera work, the way you dealt with the harsh lighting naturally, the music, the pacing, the people, the variety of daily occurrences, the mixing of close, medium, and wide angle views, the climax of lost crops and injustice done played off the 'ones who guard succeed', left me feeling more motivated to keep the fight up till we win.We have to do it for everyone.You put a real face....uh...bandanna on the cannabis movement.Legal like alcohol.E Pluribus Unum. 
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Comment #18 posted by Paint with light on September 16, 2010 at 20:25:15 PT
many victims, many faces
"Many died. Many were imprisoned."Some dealt with the frustration and pain by ending their own lives.This evil war is just that......evil.Putting a face on a cause is almost always a good idea.That is the reason you always hear the politicians telling stories about x who lived in y and had a problem with z.People don't identify with science, statistics, or history, as much as they identify with another, similar, human being.Legal like alcohol. 
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Comment #17 posted by Hope on September 16, 2010 at 20:01:58 PT
Just a thought about the "Yes" people
and what they might do to campaign for "Yes". I'm by no means an expert on public relations and politics, but I think they should make a Marijuana War Victims list. Similar to and including many of the people of the list over at DrugWarrant. Many of them, I assure you, were about cannabis alone. Many of them happened in California. They happened all over. Many, many victims in Texas. Many. But California had her share. Many died. Many were imprisoned.Donald P. Scott, 61 years old Malibu, California, killed October, 1992 should be remembered. Peter McWilliams? The two Steves? There were so many atrocities committed by the government against people that didn't deserve any treatment like they got. There are so many. No body in their right mind can believe that Marc Emery needs to be imprisoned for five years. For any years!Yes. It's better. It's a lot better. But what the...? You going to just leave those other guys hanging out there in the wind? That's all "Compassionate" of you! Drug War Victims not, though. But it seems right to point out the entire very high cost of prohibition.They may have something like it at their web site and perhaps I overlooked it.
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Comment #16 posted by FoM on September 16, 2010 at 19:57:57 PT
I just finished watching the movie. It was very educational and well done.
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Comment #15 posted by Paint with light on September 16, 2010 at 18:45:31 PT
incremental steps
"While we can sit around dreaming about what the country would be like with "perfect" marijuana laws, the political reality is that we cannot get anywhere near there without taking incremental steps."Prop 19 goes a long way towards our goal.It is a giant step, not a baby step.It has also been the best issue we have had to get the mainstream press involved, and with that comes mainstream acceptance.Once more people hear the racist and false claims that make up the history of cannabis prohibition, many of those will take a new look.Unless they stand to make more money off the way things are now.Once they see we have both science and thousands of testimonials on our side, even more will join us.Unless they have a "hidden agenda"."By building on small victories, we can more easily pass improved laws and overturn bad portions of otherwise good laws. We cannot build on zero victories."Another brick out of the wall of persecution and stupidity."While we sit around arguing about minor concessions and principles, people are going to jail or dying."I guess if you are not one of the jailed or dead life is good for you. Why worry about someone else?Some people don't care about anything but their own little imagined world.Then there are people like Hope, who, when confronted with the battle of her life, is worried as much or more about others.That is true empathy and compassion. "We cannot afford to wait for the rest of the country to come around to the way of thinking of the more radical among us, even if we might agree with them."Legal like alcohol.....and prop 19 starts us in that incremental step toward victory over prohibition. 
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Comment #14 posted by Hope on September 16, 2010 at 17:34:04 PT
Some people get financially wealthy by being
generous and caring deeply about other people.They can't help it. Things happen around them. They make things happen.I believe that. I've seen that and I will see more of it, I suspect.I think it's a good, happy thing... in the entire scheme of things and the way they can be.Myself? I often make things happen. I often make things fall over and have been known to add pavement to that "bad" pathway to "trouble", more than once in my life. But that's another story.:0)
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Comment #13 posted by Hope on September 16, 2010 at 17:22:44 PT
About those awed at the special holiness of cannabis. "A lot of people have a love and respect for the herb concerning the peace and love aspects... and the sense of light they find in it. They feel that it is holy. And it is. They thank God for the blessing that they find it to be. It's hard, especially for the most awed among us, to know everyone that profits from cannabis, hard work or not, is not aware of that."To those of us especially awed at the holiness they find in the plant, they must remember that some people miss that benefit of what they find in their use of the plant. Remember the saying, "More of who you already are"? Well, you are a more spiritual person. Some people are more about making money... and lots of it. Some people even manage to combine the two. I have no comments about that. Right now, anyway.
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Comment #12 posted by Hope on September 16, 2010 at 17:12:55 PT
Very perceptive, Museman.
"I marvel at the selective perception of some people, who can take arms over some emotional phrasing, but neglect to examine ALL the facts and circumstances (too much mental labor?) involved."This may have something that is extra concerning, these very fellows, don't care about the cannabists that will be hurt by the unchanged laws if this doesn't pass. Are these not our brothers and sisters on some level? I don't judge or envy their wealth.... unless they stole it from the poor somehow... then I might get a bit "Judgmental". I'm not mad at them about making lots of money.A lot of people have a love and respect for the herb concerning the peace and love aspects... and the sense of light they find in it. They feel that it is holy. And it is. They thank God for the blessing that they find it to be. It's hard, especially for the most awed among us, to know everyone that profits from cannabis, hard work or not, is not aware of that.The initiative. Where it came from. Who's supporting it? Even though he might deny it, I think Richard Lee is a good person, even though he has a lot of money. He has a dream, a right dream and it is similar to ours, if not exactly like ours... but he's very,very active in many ways that many of us choose not to be. Strangely I never wanted to be rich or famous. I realized that being famous could be bad. I realized that being wealthy looked very hard and stressful. I just wanted an abundance, of enough, mostly. Pretty much managed to survive and haven't been on the streets in years. Really. (I was on the streets two days once. Well really mostly in my sister's apartment but it felt like the streets.):0)Back to the point though. These people that encourage people to vote against this historic initiative should be ashamed, for trying to protect a corner on "the market for cannabis"... at the expense of jailing more cannabists.... or people that just look like cannabists.Somehow... they don't share our dream of less persecution and of course, a return of a basic freedom... but most importantly... less persecution. Preferably no persecution of any kind. But right now... less people flayed, fined, robbed, terrified, and killed for their choice, whatever the whip... the better. And those people should know that. They have a hard heart, obviously.
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Comment #11 posted by greenrushmovie on September 16, 2010 at 17:02:55 PT:
Marijuana Documentary
I went to HempCon in LA over the weekend and was a little shocked at the strong presence of ANTI-Proposition 19 advocates. The rumors being spread would have people believe that this legislation will take away current patient's rights. Those with medicinal permits will not be affected by the new law as I have read it. It will only guarantee that adults 21 and over in California will be able to grow small amounts, purchase, transport and even sell weed without the threat of prison time. I can't believe people can't all come together and try this. The whole world is looking to California this November to take a stand against the persecution of our own people. Whether you smoke or not, you know somebody you don't wanna see locked up for this stuff anymore. WE THE PEOPLE must decide what is best and it starts with this simple step of getting out the polls and showing the country what's really going on out here in the WEST. I've been documenting outdoor marijuana growers since 2005 and have a great movie that shows what it's like to grow pot under the supposed protection of the state. THEY ARE NOT PROTECTED and will never be if we don't get this law passed. The rest of the nation will follow right behind our example. The industrial hemp industry is the perfect business to save Canada, Mexico and the US right now. Taxing Cannabis and giving people the power to choose what they do with their bodies is going to open up the doors for American innovators/entrepreneurs/inventors to come up with endless products that will change the way we live our lives forever.Watch the film and decide for yourself what is real. It's an unbiased report with many accolades and awards that will keep the viewer glued to the couch.Casey Casseday
Producer, The Green Rush
The Green Rush
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Comment #10 posted by paul Armentano on September 16, 2010 at 10:02:26 PT
 Joe Citizen
See the full page ad in the new issue of Kush Magazine from HopeNet dispensary in SF urging voters to reject Prop. 19.See this column from the Sacramento Bee:"The Canna Care medical marijuana dispensary has a truck driving around Sacramento with a sign telling people to vote "no" on the state ballot initiative that would legalize pot for recreational use."See or Dragonfly de la Luz's website and many many other examples...
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Comment #9 posted by FoM on September 16, 2010 at 09:33:28 PT
Very good.
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Comment #8 posted by museman on September 16, 2010 at 09:00:58 PT
Though the author seems to be appealing to the 'movement' to unify against a common and egregious adversary, this article is actually a carefully crafted weapon intended to do just the opposite.Uniting is finding common ground, not pointing out difference and highlighting division as the 'unifying' solution.Though I share some of the opinions about our fellow cannabis users who have taken full advantage of the situation to explore the good old American 'free-enterprise' theory of capitalism, and made good on that particular version of greed and materialism, and I personally have little respect for those 'pot Barons' who flaunt their propriety just like all the other rich folk, but why should the greed of pot growers be somehow less sacrosanct than say, Bankers, Real Estate Brokers, and other people who make it rich on other's needs?I marvel at the selective perception of some people, who can take arms over some emotional phrasing, but neglect to examine ALL the facts and circumstances (too much mental labor?) involved.Cannabis is a naturally occurring medicinal, and multi-use plant. The past 70 plus years have proven that the most harmful thing about it is the US Government's (and their Nephalim masters) attempts to remove our personal rights and liberties - with much recent success I might add- and the only logical, sensible, moral, and ethical thing to do is to just plain repeal the prohibition.You repeal the prohibition, and all the greed goes away.The current price of pot -wholly because of the black market which depends on prohibition to thrive- beckons to the young Americans who have grown up believing that they got to 'get theirs while the gettin's good,' and because the official god of America is 'wealth and prosperity' and it's religion ruthless greed, what the real concern of the Rulers is, is empowerment of people who aren't in the exclusive club.So pointing fingers at those who currently enjoy what every child in america is taught in the corrupt school system to seek after (wealth, greed, competition, etc.) is not in any way seeking 'unity.'And in this 'Un-united States of Amerika' anyone with real cognizance of what is truly going on knows that 'unity' like so many other things is just a dream. It's an unrealized fantasy.Our Constitution is a joke, because not enough americans are willing to go to bat for their own rights. They are content to labor their lives away at fruitless but toxic endeavors, bowing down to the Status Quo for fear of losing their favored slave status.So if we want to find 'unity' better start by redefining 'who' or 'what' we are unifying against. The author seems to say we can't get concession from the enemy unless we compromise the essence of freedom and liberty to do it. Sounds Old School Communist Russia to me.The enemy is the STATE not the pot growers.LEGALIZE FREEDOM
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Comment #7 posted by JoeCitizen on September 16, 2010 at 06:43:17 PT
Does anyone know any direct examples of this?
I notice the author provides no direct quotes about his, not even ones anonymously attributed.I'm not calling foul, just asking for more info. Can anyone here provide such a quote from an industry insider speaking against Prop 19?I like to verify my info before engaging my outrage.
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Comment #6 posted by duzt on September 15, 2010 at 20:43:59 PT
I used to work at a collective in the bay area and we had that vendor come in with that ice cream, we never carried it, but it is tasty stuff, just not super potent.
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Comment #5 posted by kaptinemo on September 15, 2010 at 19:27:11 PT:
My own tuppence
Coming from a State without a viable MMJ law worthy of the name, for almost 15 years I have watched with no small degree of envy the ability of those who do reside in MMJ States to acquire their medicine without the risks I must take in getting mine. Not to mention the de facto quality control, of knowing what you are getting was properly grown and processed.So...when I hear about MMJ providers telling their customers to vote no on 19, I have to wonder: just whose well-being are such places actually interested in? Are they afraid that legal weed will drop to $40 an ounce, as some have projected? Sure looks that way to me.As the old aphorism goes, as goes California, so follows the rest of the country. The passage of 19 would send veritable shockwaves through the DrugWar establishment, cracking their foundations, making sink-holes out of their policies. And the resulting furor would, in turn, set off a veritable firestorm of long-withheld debate in the legislatures of other States, whose own coffers are in dire need of replenishment from lost tax revenues caused by unemployment. That firestorm of debate will incinerate the remainder of the DW establishment, for the whole sordid origins of drug prohibition itself will become common knowledge, rather than the province of obscure scholars and cannabis enthusiasts. The public would no doubt be both incensed and disgusted to learn of the decades old research on cannabis's anti-cancer properties...had been deliberately buried in order to maintain DrugWar 'orthodoxy'. Incensed and disgusted enough to pound their pol's tables and demand answers...answers the pols can only give by placating the public via actions to dismantle the entire DrugWar apparatus.Now, what reformer in their right mind would not want that? None. But evidently some who've benefited from the unique status MMJ in CA enjoys don't want that to happen.A new ring in Hell would have to be created, just for such people. To which, I add: And I'd happily send them there...
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Comment #4 posted by FoM on September 15, 2010 at 19:04:14 PT

John Tyler
I agree with you. Life isn't perfect and neither is Prop 19. What I see on MSNBC is an ongoing discussion of the possible change in the law in California. It's talked about almost like it is time for this to happen. It is time.Thank you, Konagold.
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Comment #3 posted by John Tyler on September 15, 2010 at 18:32:58 PT

let's win this one
Let’s get a solid victory on Prop 19 now, celebrate, and work on the details later. Nothing succeeds like success. When this wins, support will come from all over to share in the excitement. Legal cannabis will benefit everyone. 
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Comment #2 posted by konagold on September 15, 2010 at 13:21:21 PT

medicinal pot flavored ice cream
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Comment #1 posted by The GCW on September 15, 2010 at 10:54:25 PT

The alcohol industry is fueling the campaign to defeat Proposition 19 in California so that adults cannot make the safer choice to use marijuana.According to campaign finance reports, the California Beer and Beverage Distributors State Issues Committee donated $10,000 to the campaign to defeat Proposition 19, the initiative that would establish a legal and regulated marijuana market and provide adults with a safer recreational alternative to alcohol. We understand why Big Alcohol wants to protect its turf and keep Californians drinking; but why does the No on Prop. 19 campaign -- which is calling itself "Public Safety First" -- share this goal? Click on the button below or visit to send a message to the head of the No on Prop. 19 campaign, calling on him to explain why the campaign is working with Big Alcohol to drive Californians to drink. Then visit the campaign's website -- -- and find out how you can help bring about a victory this November. 
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