Religious Leaders Ask Lawmakers To Allow MMJ
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Religious Leaders Ask Lawmakers To Allow MMJ
Posted by CN Staff on April 29, 2009 at 04:04:58 PT
By Manya A. Brachear, Tribune Reporter 
Source: Chicago Tribune
Illinois -- More than 60 religious leaders in Illinois are calling on state senators this week to pass a bill that would allow patients to use medical marijuana with a doctor's recommendation and without criminal consequences."Medical marijuana is an issue of mercy and compassion," said Rev. Bill Pyatt of the First United Methodist Church of Carthage. "We pray that the Illinois legislature will have the compassion to stop this war on patients."
Many religious leaders also hope the discussion about easing restrictions on marijuana use will widen the conversation about treating illegal drug use as a public health issue instead of a crime.Religious proponents of the Senate bill, which is expected to be decided before Thursday, say although medical marijuana use and decriminalization of drug use are related, they are separate issues.Several studies suggest that marijuana can mitigate nausea, pain and anxiety for patients with illnesses such as HIV, cancer, multiple sclerosis and chronic pain. Theological arguments are based on these findings."Jesus lived his life healing those where he could," said Rev. Al Sharp, executive director of Chicago-based Protestants for the Common Good. "This is entirely consistent with that."Denominations that officially support medical marijuana include the United Methodist Church, Presbyterian Church (USA), Union for Reform Judaism, Unitarian Universalist Association, Episcopal Church, and United Church of Christ.If passed, the legislation would create a three-year pilot program allowing the state Department of Public Health to give registry identification cards to people with doctors' recommendations for cannabis. Eligible patients would be entitled to seven dried cannabis plants and 2 ounces of dried usable cannabis.Illinois State Police oppose the bill, saying there is no way to measure impairment for enforcement of DUI laws, and calling marijuana a gateway drug.For decades, the "holy war on drugs" has focused less on law enforcement and more on providing havens and recovery."There are a lot of folks who are looking at re-entry of folks coming out of prison," Sharp said. "We need to look at it from the front end called 'no entry.' It is very repressive drug laws putting people in prison who should have other alternatives."Note: 'Medical marijuana is an issue of mercy and compassion,' one religious leader said.Complete Title: Medical Marijuana: Religious Leaders Ask Illinois Lawmakers To Allow Medical Marijuana UseSource: Chicago Tribune (IL)Author: Manya A. Brachear, Tribune Reporter Published: April 29, 2009Copyright: 2009 Chicago Tribune CompanyContact: ctc-TribLetter Tribune.comWebsite: Articles: Patients Deserve Right To Medical Marijuana, Haine Give Medical Marijuana a Push
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Comment #4 posted by AdaptBones on April 29, 2009 at 09:09:07 PT:
About Time
It's about time religious leaders start looking through the lens of common sense instead of distorted dogma. I am sad that it took supposed "religious leaders" who supposedly follow the christs teachings this long to realise that this is EXACTLY what they were taught to do: show compassion for your fellow beings. Your job is NOT to judge others or try to forcefully convert them. The duty of the religious class is to support and show compassion in all its forms to EVERYONE. I do want to thank them however for finally seeing the light and doing some good in this life. It is so good to see freedom growing...almost like a weed. Blessed be.
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Comment #3 posted by George Servantes on April 29, 2009 at 07:59:43 PT
you lack compassion
"Gov. Don Carcieri has repeatedly vetoed bills creating or expanding the state’s medical marijuana program, saying it promotes illegal drug use and conflicts with federal law. "It's not illegal, medical marijuana is legal drug in state of RI. Show some compassion man... It's drug like any other drug like aspirin.
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Comment #2 posted by Hope on April 29, 2009 at 05:56:22 PT
Got some LOVE going on... for a change.
"Denominations that officially support medical marijuana include the United Methodist Church, Presbyterian Church (USA), Union for Reform Judaism, Unitarian Universalist Association, Episcopal Church, and United Church of Christ."Thank you.
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Comment #1 posted by FoM on April 29, 2009 at 04:37:36 PT
Rhode Island: Voting on Medical Marijuana Centers
State Senate is expected to vote Wednesday.Published : Wednesday, April 29, 2009PROVIDENCE, R.I. -- Patients who use marijuana for pain relief could buy the drug at nonprofit stores under a bill Rhode Island lawmakers will soon consider.The state Senate was expected to vote Wednesday on a proposal allowing up to three centers to dispense the drug to patients registered with state health officials.Sen. Rhoda Perry’s bill attempts to close a gray area in state law. Rhode Island became the eleventh state in the country to legalize marijuana use for the chronically ill in 2006.But lawmakers never explained how patients could get the drug.Its sale remains illegal.Gov. Don Carcieri has repeatedly vetoed bills creating or expanding the state’s medical marijuana program, saying it promotes illegal drug use and conflicts with federal law. 
 Copyright: 2009 Associated PressURL:
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