Pre-4/20 Marijuana Forum Set for CU Next Weekend
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Pre-4/20 Marijuana Forum Set for CU Next Weekend
Posted by CN Staff on April 10, 2009 at 17:55:45 PT
By Lance Vaillancourt
Source: Daily Camera
Boulder, Colo. -- A pro-pot student group at the University of Colorado has finalized preparations for a three-day symposium on all things marijuana-related that will precede the annual 4/20 campus smoke-out session on April 20.Senior Alex Douglas, director of the CU Boulder chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, NORML CU, announced Thursday afternoon that the schedule for next weekend's event is set.
"We're really excited to be bringing in speakers from all over the country for this," Douglas said. "Anyone that goes will be informed, enlightened, and empowered by this unbiased forum where every side of the issue is presented."The National Forum on Marijuana will open informally on April 17 with the National Marijuana Teach-In, in which students and faculty will have the opportunity to have an open forum on marijuana issues during regularly scheduled classes. The rest of the weekend will include guest speakers ranging from marijuana-movement icons like founding editor of High Times magazine Steve Bloom to anti-drug activists like Cmdr. Tom Sloan of the Boulder Country Drug Task Force."For us it makes it more of a whole-sided issue when people who disagree with us come in to share their opinions," said senior Mike West, the campus group's medical marijuana director. "We're actually hoping to discover a common ground where we can eliminate any of the harms that could come from (decriminalization) while gaining all of the benefits."The speaker selected to deliver the event's keynote address is outspoken conservative political strategist Jessica Peck Corry, who gained notoriety during last year's elections as the executive director of the failed Republican-supported, anti-affirmative action Colorado Civil Rights Initiative."We've proven in this country that Prohibition doesn't work," Corry said in an interview. "I don't want kids to smoke, but keeping it illegal is not the best way to make that happen. The best way to keep kids from doing drugs is by having a good relationship with their parents -- and I would politely request the government to stop trying to play that role."Nearly a dozen panel discussions held over the weekend will include such topics as health, politics, science, history, reform and enforcement.Sloan, of the drug task force, will speak at an April 19 discussion covering federal and state laws."I'm open to discussion -- I don't have a problem having a civil conversation with anybody," he said. "(Enforcement officers) have thoughts on these issues the same as everybody else does, but the bottom line is that we've signed and stated an oath to defend state laws."According to NORML CU members, the university has been supportive of their efforts to put on the forum, but CU spokesman Bronson Hilliard said that support comes with a caveat."These kinds of debates and discussions are perfectly appropriate for a college campus, but we are unilaterally opposed to a smoke-out as some kind of pretext for a symbolic demonstration about drug laws," Hilliard said.He encouraged the student group to join the university in denouncing the massive April 20 smoking session that takes place on Norlin Quad each year.If You Go: What: National Forum on MarijuanaWhen: April 17-19Where: University of Colorado campus, BoulderCost: Freehttp://www.normlcu.comSource: Daily Camera (Boulder, CO)Author: Lance VaillancourtPublished: April 10, 2009Copyright: 2009 The Daily CameraWebsite: openforum dailycamera.comURL: -- Cannabis Archives
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Comment #3 posted by museman on April 11, 2009 at 09:20:48 PT
"I'm open to discussion -- I don't have a problem having a civil conversation with anybody," he said. "(Enforcement officers) have thoughts on these issues the same as everybody else does, but the bottom line is that we've signed and stated an oath to defend state laws."'Open?' is that kind of like the sign on a store on Sunday, whose manager forgot to turn it around the night before?No problem with civil conversation? Is that before or after the six-pack? And what topic would you 'civily' like to discuss? How many homeless you routed last week? What amount of take you got from the hippies? Maybe the free sex you got from the girls you bust?And 'enforcement officers' actually think? What a revelation!And you 'swore' an oath? I'm pretty sure you had to swear an oath to protect the citizens and the constitution of the US as well - in fact, I'n pretty sure that that provision is the entire premise of the oath on the first place, but then of course, you blue clothed yellow bellies are so full of the false power given to you by the WOD and the antipatriot act, you actually believe that you swore and oath to protect your jobs, because you believe that the corruption you know and spout out as 'law' is you.^^^^^^^^^^^What if we all followed Obamas example that he laid out or the CEOs of the bankrupt companies.What if we the people were given the power to reward or withhold our tax dollars as wages for all these fake 'public servants'?What if, along with our vote, we were given employer status over our supposed public servants -who according to their own words 'work for us?'What if instead of just funneling off our energies in the form of fake value chits (money) on huge unacountable amounts, (taxes) which are then used without our consent, knowledge or even any real consideration for us at all, to wage war and destruction, make the rich richer, and the over all quality of life on earth lower and lower- we have so many award/reward chits to hand out to our representatives, cops, judges DAs, etc. If we don't like the lack or kind of service, we can just withhold the chits.Of course there should be some provision so that the poor reps don't starve, so we should give them food stamps as a buffer until they learn how to be real servants.An expandable concept. Someday, when america wakes up and stops being the unwitting servants for the wealthy dynasties that rule the planet. something like this might work, and we wouldn't have to change much, just get it real clear who is the 'servants' and who isn't.LEGALIZE FREEDOM 
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Comment #2 posted by Hope on April 11, 2009 at 04:52:32 PT
"... some kind of pretext for a symbolic demonstration about drug laws".
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Comment #1 posted by The GCW on April 11, 2009 at 01:27:52 PT
Sloan = bad thinking.
"Cmdr. Tom Sloan of the Boulder Country Drug Task Force."I'm sorry, but Sloan isn't just there to share His point of view.Sloan is there to convince the people that it is correct to cage humans for using the God-given plant cannabis.The extent that He is wrong is, well let's just say He has a screwed up mind.IGNOID.I've heard it.I don't care to listen to in any longer.The only reason to hear the freak is to slice and dice what He has to say publically and get it printed in the media so His crap gets spead out for the masses to witness.Yes, use Him for Our gain.But make no mistake Sloan is an agent of bad thinking.!!!***Believing and working to make other citizens believe cannabis users should be caged is a disease of the mind and exhibits the will to breed that desease into the rest of the population.***!!!Sloan and His ilk are amongst the most dangerous people on the planet. Modern day VAMPIRES.-0-His being there is as a tool to persuade people to protest but resist smoking.I hope their plan fails. Fails bad. With enough smoke to change the weather.
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