Not Illegal To Paint Marijuana Leaves on Home

  Not Illegal To Paint Marijuana Leaves on Home

Posted by CN Staff on March 16, 2006 at 07:30:17 PT
By The Associated Press 
Source: Associated Press 

Winsted, Conn. -- Having marijuana in your house is illegal, but having marijuana images on your house is not, according to town officials.Five months after Christopher Seekins was arrested and charged with cultivating marijuana in his home, neighbors have complained about the giant marijuana leaves he has spray-painted on the outside of his home on High Street.
"There's no reason anybody should have a problem with it," Seekins said Wednesday.Town officials said the marijuana paintings apparently do not conflict with local laws."There's nothing in the property maintenance code that deals with writing on your house," Joe Beadle, chief code enforcement officer, said.Seekins says the large leaves are in support of the cause of the legalization of marijuana. He believes firmly in the usefulness of hemp, the coarse fiber of the cannabis plant, from textiles to paper products."People have the wrong impression about it," Seekins said.In October, police said they found 100 plants inside Seekins' house, along with grow lights, fertilizers and portable heaters.Police charged Seekins, 26, with cultivating marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Free on $10,000 bond, his court case is pending.Complete Title: Town Says It Not Illegal To Paint Marijuana Leaves on HomeSource: Associated Press (Wire)Published: March 16 2006Copyright: 2006 Associated Press CannabisNews -- Cannabis Archives

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Comment #73 posted by Toker00 on March 18, 2006 at 05:05:52 PT
Thank you, Hope.
Amen. Did you get all that, ANTI'S?Toke.
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Comment #72 posted by Hope on March 17, 2006 at 23:26:35 PT
Storm passed and I'm not falling asleep.
Don't worry, Whig. We definitely know what you are saying. It is true though, that prohibitionists will twist our words and it's wise to be careful."Jerry is in prison. So are we all."That's so true. So very true. My mind is on him so much and how he is being unjustly persecuted. Prisons are for people who would murder and kill. As long as one good man like Jerry is imprisoned and his life torn apart for their weird fetish about cannabis...someone has to raise the alarm about it. About who reads here. I really don't believe prohibitionists ever see our words. If they do check in on us…like one or two used to occasionally, they don't stay very long. They despise our words and us. They wouldn't be able to bear them very long because they would hate them so violently. They don't want to hear what we have to say as people. They think we are not equally as good or as worthy a people as they consider themselves to be….i.e., self-righteous. They only look in, if they do, to see if they can "catch" us doing something they consider wrong. When they see what we think of their actions…they sniff indignantly, or angrily, and move on and keep supporting their bloody prohibition.Four Mexican Federal Agents mowed down dead by machine gun fire in Nuevo Laredo today. Four young men who probably wanted and hoped to do something good for their lives and country have been murdered. Gone. Destroyed. Cut down in their prime. Gone, because prohibitionists get freaked out over what someone else is growing or consuming, and/or the money or job they might lose if prohibition is ended. They are far from the first on the prohibition death list, and I fear they won't be the last.If prohibition lovers spent more time paying attention to, and loving and guiding their kids instead of promoting this war they wouldn't have to worry as hypocritically and hysterically as they do about those kids like they say they do. They want Uncle Sam to be their kid's daddy and to make sure they stay on the right track. They are too busy making money, building their careers, saving their relationships with their significant other (or not), and promoting prohibitionist policies to have time to do it themselves. Of course, I'm sure some of them, like regular people, are forced to neglect their children because of need of income to support and clothe and feed those children. We all have to give about a third of every dollar we earn to support their gigantic government and wars and prisons and injustice system. If we could keep half of what they force from us and waste, we could all have a better chance to tend to our own children better than we do and not have to beg the government to.The prohibitionists never get sick of their bloody war and the death and misery they cause. To read here, and really see what we are saying, would repulse them.I believe that government spies, DEA agents, perhaps, check in. But they don't really read our words either. They skim through looking for some sort of illegal deal going on and, of course, to mock us and laugh at us. "Look! These freaks think we're anti-Christs!" "What a hoot!" They have no natural respect for us...or anyone for that matter...even themselves, really, and they have no conscience. Their consciences have been seared over, "as with a hot iron". That's what I think anyway. But regardless of them, and whether they see these words or not, our words, I believe, do help to give each other some comfort and strength to fight this thing, and to keep doing so, against apparently insurmountable odds. 
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Comment #71 posted by whig on March 17, 2006 at 22:29:12 PT
I should watch my sarcasm
Someone might think that I mean to support the words that I say when I am exposing their positions.We are not the ones who worship Satan. Of course, you know this, but I worry sometimes what some readers might think.
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Comment #70 posted by whig on March 17, 2006 at 22:26:22 PT
Of course it's about Runruff
Jerry is in prison, and they would do the same to any one of us. Jerry is in prison, and he did nothing wrong to harm anyone. Jerry is in prison, and he is no threat to the public. Jerry is in prison, because he gave water to a plant.Step out of line, do time.Don't question authority.Don't think for yourself.Call Satan "God" and worship him.Obey your masters.Jerry is in prison. So are we all.But they cannot take away our spirit.Every insult they commit, every act of hatred and cowardice, every harm they inflict upon us, shall lay upon their conscience, shall bind their own spirits down until they repent and redeem themselves from their iniquity.They think they are enslaving us, but our spirits are free.They can put Jerry in a cage, but they cannot extinguish his light.I feel sorrow for them, when they come to know what they have done to themselves. The glorification they revel in for a short time, shall be their shame forever.
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Comment #69 posted by FoM on March 17, 2006 at 20:45:06 PT
Stay safe from the storm. I have been using lavender oil all day. It's the only thing that has given me any relief. It's great stuff. Talk with you later.
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Comment #68 posted by Hope on March 17, 2006 at 20:40:32 PT
Get out the lavender oil!
I hope your headache passes soon and you get some rest.Storm is nearly on me so I need to shut down.Peace and love and everyone be's a dangerous world.
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Comment #67 posted by FoM on March 17, 2006 at 20:38:39 PT
That was really beautiful to read. I agree with you on all the things you said. I can't write like you do but I'm glad you put it all out there for us to read. I have a bad headache. I have had it all day. It's a sinus infection so I'm a little fuzzy with my thoughts. I'll be better soon. Hopefully after a good nights sleep. Thanks for the great post.
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Comment #66 posted by Hope on March 17, 2006 at 20:22:44 PT
I thank God for you all. You are a gift to my soul and spirit.
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Comment #65 posted by Hope on March 17, 2006 at 20:21:12 PT
If it weren't for your place and the people
who visit here...I certainly wouldn't be able to get over these things like I have. It would be much more miserable without this place and the friends who understand what I'm upset about and why I'm ranting. My husband listens, but I know he doesn't understand the way all of you do. Yesterday and the day before were excruciatingly angry days for me, too. Part of that anger comes from the sense of helplessness to do anything about it. Here, I'm not alone and I know that there are others who care about this as much as I do.Reading these threads tonight, I couldn't decide which thread I wanted to say this I'll say it here. There are more wise, wonderful, intelligent, generous, selfless, loving, caring, and truly spiritual people here than anywhere else I could imagine. It's such an honor to have you as friends and allies. You guys all help me "see" and to persevere.I hated to leave you guys today, but I had to work at the farm this afternoon. And Runruff. How I miss him. Everyday. When I go to bed at night I wonder if he is able to rest. In the mornings, I wonder what he might have to be going through. It's so wrong what is being done to him and oh so many others like him. Stupid prohibitionists like to say, "Oh, they just want to smoke dope legally."How can they be so blind? So stupid? So foolish? So crass?It's about Jerry, our Runruff, and all the other Jerrys out there and all the Lindas and all the children hurt because of this hideous war. It's about the Rollies and the Steves.It's about the ones who died because of this prohibition...on both sides. It's about real morality and real right and wrong.Oh Lord. How can the prohibitionists be so cruel and so blind?Thankfully, I'm not hating now. I got past that for awhile, although I know they will continue to press me and press me, probably, until I hate again. But Grace and my friends will help me get past it.I love you all, so much.
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Comment #64 posted by FoM on March 17, 2006 at 19:47:44 PT
I was so angry yesterday that about everything I was thinking about was making me angry. I don't get like that very often. My husband got a respiratory infection a few days ago and I go into my gotta fix him mode. Then watching Waco and the bombings and the third year anniversary of the invasion of Iraq and on and on. I haven't listen to my music this week and I didn't realize it until my husband turned on the cd player and I went awe that's better. We can defeat ourselves. Information overload can cause us grief. I get a feeling of hopelessness when I can't find articles worth posting. When there is alot of news I'm busy and I don't have time to think about much more then the articles. When it's slow I just want some good news to post. I can't change anything but I keep hoping one day we will win. 
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Comment #63 posted by Hope on March 17, 2006 at 19:25:40 PT
Comment 62
You're so right. I feel better, too. Don't even feel the need to use the B word. We'll make it.
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Comment #62 posted by FoM on March 17, 2006 at 12:57:04 PT
Thank you. We need to do our best to be optimistic. It is so hard sometimes. Yesterday I was so angry I couldn't stand to be near myself. Now that's bad! LOL! The anger is gone. I posted how I felt last night and it lifted so much of my anger. Venting is good for us.
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Comment #61 posted by Toker00 on March 17, 2006 at 12:52:39 PT
I'm lucky too, FoM!
May the road rise up to meet you, 
May the wind be always at your back, 
The sun shine warm upon your face, 
The rain fall soft upon your fields, and, 
Until we meet again, 
May God hold you in the palm of His Hand.The Irish. Ultimate optimists.Toke.
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Comment #60 posted by FoM on March 17, 2006 at 12:24:41 PT
That's good stuff you wrote. Here's my favorite Irish expression and it fits. I'm a little bit Irish.***Don't walk in front of me.I may not follow.Don't walk behind me.I may not lead.Walk beside meAnd just be my friend.
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Comment #59 posted by Toker00 on March 17, 2006 at 12:17:22 PT
That article is unholy terror, FoM. Again, they are trying to prove God wrong. For profit. These people detest Nature, because they did not create it, and can't control it. Now, they can manipulate it, but not CONTROL it, nor CREATE it. Just as they cannot control, or govern Man, if he is of the Spirit of Truth, or Christ. Just as they have imprisoned the body of our brother, Jerry Sisson, they have not stopped the spirit of Truth from coming forth from his body, and entering into the prison which confines him. It's that spirit, which we also feel, that will sustain him. Plus our letters of encouragement and prayers won't hurt. I've often thought of the number of different tribes or races of people on the earth and wondered how this World Power is destroying their sovoriegnity, or however you spell it. God planned on our differences. We should celebrate the different cultures and races of the earth. Respect. Love. Compassion. Brotherhood. Co-operation with God. Look how easily Woman co-creates with God. Men should be as co-operative in doing God's will on Earth. Not in giving birth, but in co-operating with God and not Competing with God. Ok. It's time to turn off the spicket. I'll just be quiet, for now, and listen. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW!  
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Comment #58 posted by FoM on March 17, 2006 at 12:12:24 PT
I think of Jerry everyday. We have his page on the left side of CNews next to the Kubbys page now. My husband had a VA Doctor's appointment and he said he will try to find some bright stationery so when we write to Jerry it won't be just white paper. I asked him to look for stationery that looks like rainbow colors.
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Comment #57 posted by whig on March 17, 2006 at 12:04:24 PT
Half a continent, eh? I'm closer to Hudson Bay, at the moment. (Though not particularly close to that, either.) But it seems to me that eventually, maybe, we'll have a critical mass somewhere, and the SF Bay Area does seem pretty much the center. And I'll be there soon... I feel like it might be a reprieve from a spiritual prison.Sanctuary.God bless Jerry.
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Comment #56 posted by Toker00 on March 17, 2006 at 11:50:37 PT
About half a continent. lol. Try Galveston Bay. But, I know how to drive and have a lot of Vac. Time. Don't tempt me! : ) Colorado would be half way, by the way. And they may be legal soon statewide! Think about it. A cannabis bash in Mile HIGH City! Come one, come all!Does anyone have Kubby's new jail address? Commissary address?Think about Jerry today.Toke.
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Comment #55 posted by FoM on March 17, 2006 at 11:36:08 PT

Her name is Helen and she is a sweet lady. I believe that if we don't help others if we need help we won't be helped. I believe the main purpose we are on this earth is to do good to others. Why else are we here if not for that reason?
 I found an interesting article.    
 Genetically Engineered Organisms (GMOs): The Greatest Threat Ever to Humans and Animals:
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Comment #54 posted by whig on March 17, 2006 at 11:33:29 PT

How close are you to the San Francisco Bay?
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Comment #53 posted by whig on March 17, 2006 at 11:32:09 PT

bionic man
Picture of Bush:
Any questions?
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Comment #52 posted by Toker00 on March 17, 2006 at 11:30:40 PT

For what you are doing for your tenant, YOU are the special one. Many people pray and dream of an exit like you are providing or helping to provide, this person. Dignity in Death, or Life. Bless you.Hope, that is their IMAGE. DARK EVIL ANGELS. You have to admit, their uniforms make them look dark, sinister, and evil. That was not a mistake on their part! Mr. Whig, I still have that yearning to gather, as a group, but I can't quite see where, or when. Stay tuned to the Spirit. It will direct us.Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW!
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Comment #51 posted by bionic man on March 17, 2006 at 11:30:23 PT:

food supply
I agree with Toker00 that we should be ready to provide our own food supplies. What concerns me is the proposed use of a biological agent by our ondcp to "eradicate coca crops".This proposed fungus does not discriminate. It can destroy food crops as easily it does coca. It is not hard to see how this could affect world food supplies. Yes Toker00, they are satanists and bush is the Antichrist!
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Comment #50 posted by Toker00 on March 17, 2006 at 11:02:14 PT

The seed.
I can only hope that many good people have saved seed. Can anyone imagine not having a grocery store, or convenience store, or a farmers market to go to and buy food from? Would you be able to get your hands on seeds to grow your own food if the world food supply collapses due to lack of oil to run the delivery system? Would you have a plot of land to grow on? The tools to work the land? This Peak Oil is a serious thing. Communal grow-ops would be the only way we could survive. How will we get the seed? Frankenfood will be proven to change the DNA of those who consume it over a long period of time. We need God's seed. Not Monsantos. A seed good for only one grow? Seedless Food? Where will it stop? We must rip our destiny from the grasp of Fascism (Satanism), just as they rip our medicine from the ground. We must demand natural foods and the right to save our own seed. Damn the DEA and ONDCP and FDA and all the others who God has also damned! We can only be governed by the wisdom of God, and never by the ego of Man. Whig, I read the bible randomly and sporadicly for two years of my young adulthood. I haven't read one since. The wisdom and insight from these holy words of Truth have been like a seed. I am not very educated, so I won't help many inquiring about knowledge. But, the same spirit that courses through your vains, courses through mine and many others who read here. Our posts are manifestations of that spirit. You can recognize it in posts with mispelled words and incorrect references, even just in the gist of the post. There are those who read our posts and see nothing but insanity. That is the stumbling block of Christ. Since we understand the spirit, we understand the post. Since Anti's experience only the knowledge of man, they see not the spirit which we post.They are bombing and killing and destroying Iraq today in the name of Satan. Again they will fail in their attempt to govern. Again many will suffer to prove their attempts futile. We don't need to wage war, we need to wage PEACE. Why is that so hard for some to see? Because that would mean God WINS.Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW! 
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Comment #49 posted by FoM on March 17, 2006 at 10:43:02 PT

This lady has lived next to us in our one house for I bet 15 or more years now. She is suffering from congestive heart failure. This last time she got so disoriented on the drugs they have her on mostly morphine that she fell and broke a couple ribs. She had a slight stroke then. I am talking with her daughter and we are trying to set up Hospice out here for her. The Hospice people are so kind. The lady who rents our other house out here does in home care as a job. She works in a different county but we are trying to work it out that she can walk next door and help her. 
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Comment #48 posted by whig on March 17, 2006 at 10:39:50 PT

There are many people who believe that all religion is insanity.
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Comment #47 posted by Hope on March 17, 2006 at 10:34:15 PT

It's sad to hear that your neighbor is so ill, but it's good to hear that she has such a good neighbor, that really cares about her.When I was pregnant with my first child I craved Campbell's Cream of Asparagus Soup. My little neighborhood grocer bought a case just for me.
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Comment #46 posted by FoM on March 17, 2006 at 10:29:19 PT

We have very rich loamy soil and it stays cool around here and maybe that's why it has done so well. It has spread to about 100 feet and pops up all over the place. I wish it didn't go to waste. We give friends as much as they want but we still have waste. The lady that rents our one house has been in the hospital and now a rehab facility for way over a month. We will make sure she gets what she wants when and if she finally gets to come home.
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Comment #45 posted by Hope on March 17, 2006 at 10:23:20 PT

Real asparagus
That's good, FoM. You're lucky. I had about a fifteen foot row of aparagus several years ago that I nurtured for several years, but here the asparagus is so thin, I finally let it go. We grow it mostly for the decorative fern around here, because of that.It was good though. I never used commercial fertilizers on it...that might have made it stockier...but it wouldn't have been as good. 
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Comment #44 posted by FoM on March 17, 2006 at 10:17:04 PT

Back in the early 80s my father in law planted asparagus. In the spring I go out and cut fresh asparagus. I even have stalks of asparagus growing in our woods and some even pop up around our house and pasture. Most of it grows so fast that it turns into a fern for the summer. It never has had any chemicals on it and it's so good.
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Comment #43 posted by Hope on March 17, 2006 at 10:07:51 PT

Whig and FoM
"...consider our words proof that cannabis causes psychosis."Yes, I thought about that, too. And good luck with your mother-in-law. It's treacherous ground we all tread.FoM, "...why are they trying to control seeds for farmers?"Money...and lots and lots of it.I worry about what they've done to the food, too. One thing I've noticed for sure is that the big produce industry is about pounds. Not taste and quality, but poundage. That's where their profit is. *sigh* That's why I've got to try to grow a few things for myself and my family.Sadly, too many people think that the reason that food doesn't taste good to them anymore is because there is something wrong with them, when, actually, it's more likely something is wrong with the food.
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Comment #42 posted by whig on March 17, 2006 at 09:52:46 PT

Hope - Dark Angels
They are very pleased with themselves, yes.I do believe there are many who are deceived, and who would not abide the darkness if they recognized it for what it is. My mother-in-law is a wonderful woman, very caring, but she does not know what we are. She lives in Humboldt, and she sees the "hippies" as something bad. Yet when I talk about my general philosophy of life (without regard to cannabis, which it has not yet been appropriate to discuss with her) she is approving. I expect we'll get to know one another much better once we've moved out to the west coast.It is also important to recognize that even among those who adhere to the Spirit of Anti-Christ, few of them recognize what it is. Very few, indeed. Many are atheists, they believe in nothing but the material world. They may think we are insane, and consider our words proof that cannabis causes psychosis. They may believe they are saving more people from a terrible illness, the scourge of drug addiction, and the harm to those deprived of their liberty is outweighed by the good to the rest of society. I believe this accounts for fully 99% or more of the supporters of prohibition.Even among our own number, it is a minority who know who and what we are, and among their number it is even smaller, their organization being heirarchical and authoritarian in structure. But at the top of that pyramid, the eye which scans across the landscape, it is as conscious as we are of what it is, they are GOD-DEFIANT. God of Earth. Satan. And, here we must pause to remember, he is our brother too.We are all one, and we should not hate, but love one another.
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Comment #41 posted by FoM on March 17, 2006 at 09:20:26 PT

You're right. I know that we can use saved seeds from our personal garden but why are they trying to control seeds for farmers? I don't want to eat modified foods but I'm afraid we do all the time.
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Comment #40 posted by Hope on March 17, 2006 at 09:16:54 PT

Seeds and farmers.
Maybe that's because Monsanto has developed hybrid seeds that they have to have to be able to compete...and you can't grow the same plant from the actual seed of a hybrid.
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Comment #39 posted by FoM on March 17, 2006 at 09:14:28 PT

You reminded me about seeds. Last night on the Farm documentary with Willie Nelson they said that a farmer can't save his own seeds to replant but must buy seeds from Monsanto and others. I thought what's that about. Saving seeds from a harvest is the way people don't need to buy seeds for next years vegetable garden.
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Comment #38 posted by Hope on March 17, 2006 at 09:14:12 PT

And, it's a pretty good guess
that any DEA agent that reads our thoughts on them is pleased, even honored, that we recognize them.They like who they are and what they do and who they do it for...or they wouldn't do it. They believe they have risen in the world...but they have fallen. They are the fallen ones.Some one of them is probably joyfully designing a T-shirt with their image as Dark Angels on them, right now.
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Comment #37 posted by Hope on March 17, 2006 at 09:09:36 PT

Excellent, Toker00!
I'll never see another one of those black clad raiders that I don't think of "Dark and Fallen Angels". Dang! All those who teach and say that Christ is a vengeful, spiteful, hateful, slave making, hater of freedom, and lover of prohibition and harsh rules are also Anti-Christs. Absolutely. They are. They completely pervert who he was and everything he taught.My anger at Souder swelled so the other day, I actually thought, could he be THE Anti-Christ? He has a lot of power. Pray God, he doesn't get more! I've thought too, he is definitely another sort of the Mark of the Beast. Marc Emery is the Marc of the seed. When the Jewish people began clamoring for a physical king to reign over them, he gave them Saul, but he said they wouldn't like it. He said they would be sorry.DEA...Dark Evil Angels. 
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Comment #36 posted by FoM on March 17, 2006 at 08:36:23 PT

You are so darn special.
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Comment #35 posted by whig on March 17, 2006 at 08:29:17 PT

I have to tell you, when I read what you write, I feel like such an adolescent, things I've been learning and discovering and finding others who have so much greater understanding and ability to express what is really so self-evident.I think it is that we are spread so thin on the ground in places like where I am, and where I am going I will find so many more of us. I was thinking this morning what we could do with a "minyan" of ourselves.
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Comment #34 posted by whig on March 17, 2006 at 08:10:00 PT

Amen.The Spirit of Prohibition is the Spirit of the Anti-Christ.
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Comment #33 posted by Toker00 on March 17, 2006 at 07:22:01 PT

Anti-Christ since the beginning, whig,
and so shall they remain until the return of the spirit of Truth or Christ. We are at the beginning of those days. We recognize each other without sight, we agree in our beliefs without hesitation, or persuasion. This is the recognition of the Holy Spirit. We would not be able to remain here winessing this spirit, without first being born into it. Our spirits have enhabited these earthly bodies since the beginning, shedding one only to find ourselves caught up in another. The dark angels have done this from the beginning as well. What we see before us on the World Stage, is the culmination of humanity. The masters, who have ruled since day one, convinced of their power over men by Satan, and the slaves, unable or unwilling to cast off the laws of man, and are subjected to it until Christ, or the Spirit of Truth, returns and frees us of this burden. Know also, that even the spirits of darkness have been given the opportunity of redemption, by turning from the Power of Satan to the Power of Truth. They have refused. Just as we have refused to turn away from the Truth. Yes. Cannabis is just what the Bible says it is. Food. Fuel. Fiber. Farmaceuticals. Spiritually, it is SACREMENTAL. Physically, it is an HEALING HERB. Nutritionally it is FOOD. Materially, it is clothing and shelter. Ecologically, it is HEALING TO THE EARTH AND ALL THE NATIONS ON IT. By definition, it is the TREE OF LIFE, because it provides just that, LIFE!Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW! 
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Comment #32 posted by whig on March 17, 2006 at 06:07:49 PT

OT: NSA Wiretaps
Just thought some of you might be interested to see what's going on regarding this story.
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Comment #31 posted by whig on March 17, 2006 at 05:43:35 PT

You are absolutely on-point, let's put this in context. I've said that I believe cannabis is the eucharist, we who partake of it transubstantiate it within ourselves as the body of Christ, and we ourselves are part of Christ returned. What does this make the prohibitionists?; they are anti-Christ.
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Comment #30 posted by Toker00 on March 17, 2006 at 04:58:01 PT

Satanic re-encarnations
You know what? I believe that the DEA agents are descendants of the dark angels cast from heaven along with Satan. They are too comfortable in their positions of control over humanity. They are just too comfortable with beating, killing, and incarcerating Man for wanting to follow the Laws of Nature written by God. They are depriving humanity of the gifts of God, the natural healing plants that grow for free from the ground on which God sowed them. They do not want a peaceful, healthy society. It would not further their agenda to prove God wrong in his wisdom that Man cannot govern himself. These dark angels will do ANYTHING to prove God wrong, even viciously attack a sick man who is in the process of peacefully allowing their entrance. This peaceful man's spirit repulsed them so badly, they reacted by smashing him to the floor, with their evil showing of dominance over Man. These spirits rejoice each time God's gifts are ripped from the ground, from the homes, and from the hands of those who choose to accept them. They know they can't allow access to a substance that gives enlightenment to the spirit of Man, healing to his body and mind, and confidence to his soul to stand against the evil of Satan and his dark angels. But you know what? GOD IS RIGHT. Thank you God, for Cannabis.Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW! 
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Comment #29 posted by Jose Melendez on March 17, 2006 at 02:02:19 PT

Have Another . . .
Proof Pot Promotes Amnesia . . . in Prohibitionists, Publishers.
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Comment #28 posted by jose melendez on March 17, 2006 at 01:58:43 PT

chalk up another felony fraud for ONDCP
Office of National Drug Control Policy Caught Violating False Claims Act - Again . . .
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Comment #27 posted by Hope on March 16, 2006 at 23:59:31 PT

Tragic? Only in his mind. Javier again.
I couldn't help but think of that poor family in California who finally got some wonderful help for their disturbed little boy with Prop. 215 muffins. But the "do gooders" stopped the muffins and the boy was institutionalized. They, the bad ole "do gooders", would rather the boy be miserably ill and seperated from his family and miserably institutionalized than have herbal help. Crass demons from hell dressed in flesh is all they are. They have no shame and they do not care who they hurt...even the child...just as long as he doesn't have those muffins! Just like they want it."Javier Pena, Drug Enforcement Administration: "This can be tragic. A young child or adult could eat one of these and drink one of the sodas. As you can tell, they mimic the brand names."
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Comment #26 posted by whig on March 16, 2006 at 18:01:56 PT

"This can be tragic. A young child or adult could eat one of these and drink one of the sodas. As you can tell, they mimic the brand names."So, what you're saying is, I might innocently pick one up at the supermarket, and unknowingly consume some pot-laced beverage? Horror.
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Comment #25 posted by FoM on March 16, 2006 at 17:46:26 PT

News Article from ABC7 - KGO
'Marijuana Candy Factory' Busted In East BayTwelve People Arrested*** By Vic LeeMar. 16 - Federal agents have stopped what they call a sophisticated marijuana operation involving pot-laced candy and soft drinks in the East Bay.The scale of this alleged East Bay drug operation is enormous. Thousands of pot plants confiscated, along with money, guns, and candy and soft drinks laced with marijuana. The DEA says the group is called Compassionate Care. They are a major supplier to pot clubs around the state. Drug enforcement agents raided five locations in the East Bay, among them a building on Telegraph Avenue in downtown Oakland. Agents found what they called a sophisticated operation, cultivating thousands of plants on four floors. Employees, they say, wore white doctors gowns and punched time clocks when they came to work. The DEA also raided a warehouse in Emeryville which agents described as a marijuana candy factory. While we were there, agents were bringing out boxes filled with candy laced with marijuana extracts. Brand names such as Hershey's, Twix, Oreos were changed slightly. An example: Skippy peanut butter was Trippy peanut butter. Also confiscated were marijuana-laced soda pops, with labels resembling Pepsi and Coke. The warning labels on one of the knock-off cans read: 'Don't drink more than four a day.' Javier Pena, Drug Enforcement Administration: "This can be tragic. A young child or adult could eat one of these and drink one of the sodas. As you can tell, they mimic the brand names." Some of the other names were Twixed, Pot Tarts and Munchie Way. They're clever, but authorities say illegal. Twelve people were arrested and a couple of automatic weapons were seized. Copyright 2006, ABC7/KGO-TV/DT
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Comment #24 posted by FoM on March 16, 2006 at 15:56:14 PT

Related Article from WorldNow and WFSB
Neighbors Upset Over Pot Paintings
 ***March 16, 2006Winsted -- It's neighbor versus neighbor in one community. Neighbors say a house on 24 High Street in Winsted is in bad taste, but officials say there's little they can do about this house with hemp leaves painted on the side. The hemp leaf symbol means the same thing to almost everyone, marijuana, but for the man who owns this house it means something else, hemp. Hemp is basically pot plant minus the pot and hemp is widely acknowledged to have many different uses."Hemp fiber is 10 times as strong as cotton," says Chris Seekins, who grows the plant. "You can make plastics out of hemp."Seekins owns the home and painted these pictures and with them is making a statement that hemp should be legalized."I think he's going about it the wrong way decorating this house the way he did," said neighbor Tom Rea. Neighbors we talked to weren't excited about Seekins message but they all recognize his right to do it."It’s just a means of being civilly disobedient that's how I look at it," said neighbor Ron Sturm.Police in the town agree Seekins can paint his house how he wants. It comes down to the first amendment and while not everyone may like what he has to say it's his property and he does have the right to say it. Seekins was arrested last year for growing and cultivating marijuana, almost 100 plants.Seekins says they were hemp plants and is fighting that in court. 
Copyright: 2006 WorldNow and WFSB

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Comment #23 posted by jose melendez on March 16, 2006 at 14:43:12 PT

hear, hear . . . 
FOR cannabis, it was never legally criminalized, perjury created pot prohibitions, lies maintain the fraud.
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Comment #22 posted by whig on March 16, 2006 at 14:35:24 PT

That really was a good read.While agreeing with his points, I consider cannabis the "hinge" issue, at least for me. I am not for just medical marijuana, nor for just reduced criminal penalties, nor even any kind of social policy aimed at reducing and controlling and regulating and taxing cannabis. I recognize that these may be steps along the way and to the extent they are movement in the "right direction" I will take some comfort in seeing fewer people harmed by the present draconian policies. But in the end, I am not going to settle for any of this. I am for cannabis. I am for people using it, with the consequent positive effect upon the larger social consciousness.
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Comment #21 posted by FoM on March 16, 2006 at 14:28:34 PT

Another Old Article About Fungus
Drug War: Agent Green: Mccollum's "Silver Bullet" - In The Head
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Comment #20 posted by jose melendez on March 16, 2006 at 14:21:15 PT

heavy, but good read
"They don't really need the war on drugs anymore.They've got 'terror' and 'gangs.'"
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Comment #19 posted by JR Bob Dobbs on March 16, 2006 at 14:16:42 PT

The way to succeed... and the way to suck eggs.
"Colombia was successful in fighting the drug lords," Fox said. "I am sure we will be successful, too."They were? Is that why we're developing this anti-fungal spray and planning to test it?? If that's your definition of "success"...
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Comment #18 posted by whig on March 16, 2006 at 13:35:41 PT

For those who like Ron Paul...
As politicians go, Russ Feingold seems to be cut from more or less the same cloth.
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Comment #17 posted by whig on March 16, 2006 at 13:18:55 PT

bionic man
I made a tinyurl of your link: can always go to and give it a long link to convert it to a short redirection pointer like this.Btw, I really hope this does not happen. He's losing support so quickly, he doesn't have the carte blanche to start this unless he can get his poll numbers back up, and if he tries to launch nukes in spite of this, he might have defections and unwillingness on the part of the military to carry out his orders. One can only hope.
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Comment #16 posted by FoM on March 16, 2006 at 12:35:27 PT

Back in the 70s we knew not to trust the system. We have never put money in the stock market because I see it as a pyramid scheme. The only place we put our money is our home. That's tangible. That is something that is real. If you stay put for many years you build equity. If we need that money for health reasons or whatever we will be able to sell and rent and have some cash to live. My father was a certified public accountant and he taught me to think this way. I feel sorry for people who have bought into this whole system.
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Comment #15 posted by bionic man on March 16, 2006 at 12:31:19 PT:

this scares me
Bush has asked for and gotten the ok to use "tactical nuclear weapons" for use against Iran. God I hope he does not. Bush seems determined to destroy the world. The url was too long so look for article about mini nukes or bunker buster.
is bush admin. planning a nuclear holocaust?
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Comment #14 posted by whig on March 16, 2006 at 12:09:13 PT

FoM - For the children
What is going to happen is the United States will pass through its imperial phase, until at some point it will cease to command the respect and support of the public. In the meantime and going forward, we will continue to build up the social constructs to replace authoritarian heirarchies with something that puts people at more of a level playing field with respect to one another. The United States will have bankrupted itself, financially and militarily, but is this a bad thing? I suppose in the latter days of the Roman Empire people fretted over the health of the Caesar's, but what is it to us, really?Our only concern should be to move into the Renaissance phase as quickly as possible, if not before the fall, to avoid a dark age. I think the financial realignment will be hard for some people regardless, but mainly to the degree that they have adhered to and depend upon the current system, and to the same degree they ought not to be propped up indefinitely. It is time for change.
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Comment #13 posted by FoM on March 16, 2006 at 11:59:11 PT

Another Off Topic Article
Senate Boosts Federal Debt LimitBorrowing limit is now close to $9 trillionLast Update: 1:47 PM ET Mar 16, 2006WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - The Senate voted Thursday to let the federal government add another $781 billion in debt to the nation's balance sheet, boosting the federal debt limit to nearly $9 trillion.
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Comment #12 posted by FoM on March 16, 2006 at 11:51:33 PT

I am really upset about the bombings today and that article I posted. I don't understand why people are as worried as I am. I know that I will be ok if we accelerate the war but what about the children? I care about everyone's children. Where is this going to take their future?
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Comment #11 posted by whig on March 16, 2006 at 11:45:45 PT

Suppose Ahmedinijad said what Bush said...
What Bush is doing is international assault with a deadly military, in possession of weapons of mass destruction.
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Comment #10 posted by FoM on March 16, 2006 at 11:02:10 PT

This News Really Worries Me
America Will Strike First, Says Bush in New Security Plan,,11069-2089075,00.html
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Comment #9 posted by FoM on March 16, 2006 at 10:53:25 PT

My E-Mail Works Now
I was able to do a few things without calling for help. My computer is working fine now. All I need is some news to post.
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Comment #8 posted by FoM on March 16, 2006 at 09:31:14 PT

Here's a Very Old Article About The Fungus
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Comment #7 posted by FoM on March 16, 2006 at 09:28:43 PT

bionic man 
Thanks. I am getting ready to call Direcway which I really mind doing. I can't understand the people who are the technicians. I think they are from India. 
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Comment #6 posted by bionic man on March 16, 2006 at 09:23:49 PT:

I have yahoo and am also having trouble this am. 
trouble accessing maiibox. error message mailbox not available. I have been trying to get the word out about the buffoons from indiana wanting to use biological agents in foreign countries. 
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Comment #5 posted by FoM on March 16, 2006 at 09:20:36 PT

I Got It
I think my satellite is having a router problem. (I don't know what that really means but my test shows that) I guess I need to call them. 
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Comment #4 posted by FoM on March 16, 2006 at 08:52:04 PT

Off Topic
I am trying to check my Yahoo e-mail accounts and they aren't working. Is anyone that uses Yahoo e-mail having trouble today too? Thanks in advance for any information.
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Comment #3 posted by whig on March 16, 2006 at 08:19:18 PT

I predict a Mexican civil war if they try to do this.
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Comment #2 posted by mai_bong_city on March 16, 2006 at 08:11:59 PT

i love that he lives on High Streeton that extradition issue - i'm shaking my head, all i can do anymore, just no feels like all hell is breaking loosepeace. 
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Comment #1 posted by FoM on March 16, 2006 at 07:42:19 PT

Mexico's Fox Predicts Backlash in Drug War

By Bernd Debusmann and Paul HolmesMarch 16, 2006MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico will begin extraditing drug lords wanted in the United States within weeks and expects a violent backlash from the powerful cartels, President Vicente Fox said on Wednesday.Fox told Reuters the legal process of handing over traffickers on the U.S. government's list had already begun."I am confident and convinced that very soon, and I am talking about weeks, we will start the first extraditions of these leaders," Fox said."I am sure that will provoke additional violence. ... They will try to retaliate," he said. "It could be judges, it could be government officials, but we will be ready."Fox, a close ally of the United States, did not say who would be extradited first, or how many, but stressed they were "the big bosses."He also said they would have to serve their sentences in U.S. prisons. That marks a major policy shift because until recently under Mexican law, drug traffickers had to serve out their prison sentences in Mexico before being put behind bars in the United States.The United States has been pressing for the extradition of drug kingpins for years but Mexican legislation made it difficult.Fox said the impending action against traffickers followed a series of Supreme Court rulings that have made extraditions easier.More than 1,000 people were killed in drug violence across Mexico last year. Cities along the 2,000-mile (3,200-km) U.S. border, including Nuevo Laredo, have seen pitched battles between rival gangs, including one with bazookas and machine guns.The drug gangs have a reputation for brutality."I can tell you that without a doubt the Mexican drug trafficking organizations are the most violent, they have the biggest gangs, they are ruthless and they are very well run businesses," a senior official from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration said in Mexico this week.COLOMBIAN EXAMPLEFox drew a parallel between Mexico and Colombia, where the Medellin cocaine cartel declared war on the government in the 1980s in response to a decision to extradite cartel leaders to the United States.Hundreds of people died in bombings and assassinations until Colombian police tracked down and killed Pablo Escobar, the leader of the Medellin cartel.Colombia was successful in fighting the drug lords, Fox said. "I am sure we will be successful, too."Fox's government has had high-profile successes in the anti-drug fight, including the arrests of cartel leaders Benjamin Arellano Felix, Osiel Cardenas and Hector Palma, accused of shipping tons of cocaine to the United States.But many of the top traffickers have continued to run their organizations from prison."We have implemented very strict controls in federal jails where these capos (bosses) are," Fox said. "Still, they do operate from Mexico and the real price to pay in justice is if they are extradited."Despite hundreds of arrests and record seizures on both sides of the border, drugs have continued to pour into the United States and cocaine, heroin and marijuana are widely available in American cities.In its latest report on international drug trafficking, issued last month, the U.S. State Department said between 70 and 90 percent of the cocaine destined for the United States passed through Mexico.Copyright: Reuters 2006
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