Hemp: A Growing Need? Hemp: A Growing Need? Posted by CN Staff on February 26, 2006 at 07:27:08 PT By Dana Sanchez, Staff Writer Source: Bradenton Herald Bradenton -- Hemp. It's a fantastic product, says Elizabeth Western, a local clothing retailer who sells hemp purses, shirts and jeans at Chameleon Natural Boutique on Manatee Avenue.She'd like to see laws change to make it legal to produce hemp for clothing. The United States is the only developed nation in the world that doesn't produce hemp as an economic crop, according to NORML, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. Several states have passed laws allowing hemp to be grown for research and commercial purposes. But farmers in those states can't grow the outlaw crop without a federal OK.Hemp and marijuana are varieties of the same plant, cannabis sativa. Industrial hemp is bred with low levels of THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive ingredient.You can't get high from smoking industrial hemp, according to the Parkland Industrial Hemp Growers Association, a research foundation in Manitoba, Canada. All you can get is a headache.Tina Kimball and other activists believe hemp is illegal because it looks like marijuana. Kimball is president of the student chapter of NORML at the University of Central Florida.It's a mindset that irritates Western."When you're growing hemp, you're not growing a field of pot," she says.But that's exactly what could happen if it were legal to grow hemp, according to Tom Riley, spokesman for the Office of National Drug Control Policy in Washington D.C."The problem is that the plants all derive from the cannabis genus," Riley said. "It would allow marijuana and hemp to be grown side by side. It would impose an unreasonable burden on local law enforcement."Hemp's strength and earth-friendly qualities appeal to Western. It doesn't require pesticides, unlike cotton, the most popular crop for clothing, and also the most sprayed.Western researches the companies she buys from and looks for businesses that subscribe to fair trade practices, provide employment to destitute women and try to minimize impact to the environment. At Chameleon, Western sells organic cotton teething bears, T-shirts dyed with clay, and other home and clothing products.But hemp is her favorite frustration. It's grown legally in Canada, she says. "Why not here?"Hemp has myriad applications. Its fiber, seed and oil are used for food, paper, building materials and personal products, like hand cream. Grown with little or no fertilizer, herbicides and pesticides, it's no wonder the plant is called weed.The seed of the hemp plant has all 10 amino acids humans need to survive, says one of its admirers, Anthony Lorenzo. Lorenzo is a member of the Florida Cannabis Action Network in Sarasota, an organization that supports the tax and regulation of all forms of cannabis."It's almost as if this plant's evolutionary tactic to survive was to be useful to humans," Lorenzo said.Activists for the legalization of industrial hemp predict that the United States is entering a period of greater tolerance to alternative resources.With today's high gas prices and biofuels becoming more viable, cost benefit analyses for hemp production are also becoming more viable, said Allen St. Pierre, executive director of NORML in Washington D.C."It's not just the durability of the fabric that makes it appealing," he said. "They're reflecting the desire of the marketplace. The problem is, the product is too expensive. It would be cheaper for an American company to grow it."In 2005, Ron Paul, R-Texas, and a handful of senators introduced legislation to repeal the federal ban on the cultivation of industrial hemp as a commercial crop. The Industrial Hemp Farming Act would have allowed states to license and regulate hemp cultivation.The bill was dead on arrival in Congress, said St. Pierre."In every state where individuals have a chance to vote for marijuana reform, voters vote for it," he said. "Politicians then pass resolutions 180 degrees in the opposite direction. This Congress doesn't seem capable of divorcing itself from prohibition tendencies."The chief objection to legalizing industrial hemp appears to be that law enforcement would be unable to tell the difference between it and marijuana.Hemp and marijuana are close relatives that are either different-looking or impossible to tell apart, depending on who you ask."The plants in the field look very similar," says Keith Watson, a hemp specialist with the Manitoba Agricultural Foods and Rural Initiative, Canada's equivalent of the Department of Agriculture.Canada produced 20,000 acres of hemp last year, and 74 percent of it went to the United States."The U.S. is certainly behind as far as licensing and growing industrial hemp," Watson said.In Canada, industrial hemp has 0.3 percent of THC as opposed to marijuana, which has 2 percent or higher. In the field, the two crops cross-pollinate. But when they do, it tends to dilute THC levels in marijuana.If a field of hemp registers above the accepted level for THC, it is immediately ploughed under, according to Parkland Industrial Hemp Growers Co-op, a research foundation in Manitoba.St. Pierre looks to the past for hope. Hanging in his office is a poster dating back to World War II, proclaiming "Hemp For Victory."Although marijuana became illegal in the United States in 1937, the law was reversed from 1940 to 1945 when a dire shortage of canvas rope, caulking oil and cordage prompted the Department of War to circulate the poster. The word canvas is derived from cannabis, according to Webster's dictionary.The federal government subsidized Scouts and Boys & Girls Clubs, teaching children how to make hemp rope and twine during World War II, St. Pierre said.How much hemp does the United States import? The Hemp Industries Association in Occidental, Calif., doesn't have the numbers but is working on a market study.Steve Logothetis imports hemp from Romania for Hemp Basics, his Warren, N.J.-based company. Most fiber products come from Asia and eastern Europe, he says. Canadian hemp imports are mostly dedicated to seed products.But despite its earth-friendly qualities, hemp is more expensive to produce than cotton, mostly because the technology hasn't caught up, Logothetis says.For hemp fiber to be produced in the United States it will take not only a change in mind-set but considerable capital investment in production and processing."The industry would have to be built from the bottom up," he said. "It doesn't exist here."Changing the mind-set would require politicians to stop equating hemp with marijuana, he said. "It's like outlawing corn because it could be made into moonshine."People who wear hemp, like Amy Arnell, love it for its softness and durability. But Arnell said she wears hemp for other reasons."I feel good about wearing hemp, knowing that I'm supporting the people that take the time to manufacture it," she said. "People are not just smoking it. We are using it. It is resourceful."Note: Advocates say it's time U.S. legalized crop.Source: Bradenton Herald (FL)Author: Dana Sanchez, Staff WriterPublished: February 26, 2006Copyright: 2006 Bradenton HeraldContact: dklement heraldtoday.comWebsite: Hemp Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #85 posted by ekim on April 06, 2006 at 17:59:47 PT cellulosic ethanol as an alternative fuel Biomass and Solar Technologies Lauded Monday, July 12, 2004Golden, Colo. - Two technologies developed by the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory are among this year's most significant innovations, as judged by Research & Development (R&D) Magazine.The Laboratory's two R&D 100 Awards for 2004 are for an innovative, lower-cost method for transforming plant material into the sugars that can be used to make fuels and chemicals, and a thin-film solar cell that produces electricity directly from sunlight, which has greater efficiency, and is lighter weight and more flexible than previous devices.This year's announcement brings to 37 the number of R&D 100 Awards garnered by NREL."Once again, the technologies developed by our Laboratory's researchers are being acknowledged for their importance to the nation," said Stan Bull, NREL associate director for science and technology. "It's particularly gratifying that the R&D 100 Awards this year include two NREL technologies that can enhance our nation's energy security and reduce our reliance on foreign sources of oil."The Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Biomass Cellulose to Sugars technology is expected to allow a wide range of biomass resources to be used to produce energy and chemicals. It is an important step toward realizing the potential of bio-refineries-in which plant and waste materials are used to produce an array of fuels and chemicals, analogous to an oil refinery today.Through this technology, the cost of converting cellulosic biomass into usable sugars can be reduced by more than 20 times per gallon of ethanol produced.The award is shared by NREL, Genencor International and Novozymes Biotech, Inc. NREL researchers who worked on this project included Michael Himmel, Jim McMillan, Dan Schell, Jody Farmer, Nancy Dowe and Rafael Nieves.Also recognized for 2004 are light and flexible thin-film copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) photovoltaic modules, which can be manufactured in various sizes and have a compact, foldable design that allows for easy deployment, transport and storage.As a result, the modules have twice the power-to-weight ratio, and three times the power-to-size ratio as competing products. Because of this, they are especially suited for military applications, portable power for consumer and public use, boating and other marine applications and building-related uses, such as for bus shelters and in PV-integrated roofing.The award is shared by NREL, Global Solar Energy and ITN Energy Systems. NREL researchers who worked on this project included Harin Ullal, Ken Zweibel and Bolko von Roedern.NREL is the U.S. Department of Energy's premier laboratory for renewable energy research and development and a leading laboratory for energy efficiency R&D. NREL is operated for DOE by Midwest Research Institute and Battelle.For further information contact NREL Public Affairs at (303) 275-4090.NR-3404 [ Post Comment ] Comment #84 posted by FoM on April 05, 2006 at 18:39:40 PT James Woolsey, Hemp Advocate By Kurt CobbMonday, April 03, 2006Industrial hemp has an unlikely new champion: former CIA director James Woolsey. Woolsey sees a link between the need to end America's oil addiction and hemp's potential as a source of renewable energy. He said so when he visited my hometown of Kalamazoo, Michigan last weekend as part the 2006 Powershift National Tour. According to its website the tour is "a public education effort designed to engage decision-makers, youth, farmers, media and the general public on energy security."During a question and answer session one audience member broached the subject of hemp. Embarrassed conference organizers tried to move on to another question, but Woolsey insisted on responding. To their surprise he offered a lengthy disquisition on the merits of cellulosic ethanol as an alternative fuel, the myths about industrial hemp and the potential advantages to American farmers. And, he announced that he is a board member of the North American Industrial Hemp Council."If you wanted to hide marijuana in a field of industrial hemp, you'd have to be very high," Woolsey said. He explained that industrial hemp has a very low THC level compared to marijuana for recreational and medical use. (THC is the psychoactive component of marijuana.) So low is that level that placing the two plants together causes the recreational marijuana to lose its potency because of cross-pollination with the industrial version."There is no bigger enemy of marijuana than industrial hemp," he added. "But, the United States in its wisdom has banned all hemp--I suppose to enhance the production of marijuana," he joked.(For some basic information on the uses of industrial hemp, try this article which states that "trying to get high from industrial grade hemp would be like trying to get drunk off vinegar.")Woolsey's credentials on energy issues stem from his work on the National Commission on Energy Policy, an independent commission formed by several foundations and designed to break the policy logjam on energy issues. Woolsey has become an advocate for quick changes that involve "inexpensive processes and relatively little change to the infrastructure."Hence, he is a fervent advocate of biofuels of all kinds which can be dispensed at existing filling stations. He's also an advocate for hybrid-electric vehicles and is particularly keen on the development of plug-in hybrids since they can "fill up" on cheap electricity at night.Because of his focus, he sees hydrogen as impractical. "Under current technology you'd have to completely replace the energy infrastructure of the country," Woolsey said during his keynote luncheon speech. "Well, who goes first? The energy infrastructure or Detroit." The country could end up with cars without fuel or fuel without cars, he explained. Neither the oil industry nor the car industry wants to risk such a situation.His main focus these days is supply disruption, the consequences of which he helped demonstrate during a slickly produced simulation called "Oil Shockwave." The simulation shows how severe even a modest disruption could be and how little the United States could do to mitigate the effects of such a disruption. (The results of a simulation done last year with a group of high-ranking former government officials in Washington, D. C. are available here in PDF form.)"A cutoff of oil, even a relatively brief one, sends huge shocks through our economy," he said during his speech. "Very substantial changes in price occur with small changes in supply."At the root of the problem is dependence on oil from the Middle East. Referring to the Bush administration's so-called "War on Terror," Woolsey said, "This is the first war in which we are paying for both sides." He explained that a portion of the money paid to Middle Eastern countries for America's imported oil ends up in the hands of terrorists and others who preach hatred of the United States. "This is not a good plan," he said.Concerning the idea that oil supplies worldwide may soon peak and then decline, Woolsey said, "I think there are good arguments for peak oil." In the question and answer session, he said he had no clear understanding of the possible timing for such an event, but added that he is currently reading energy investment banker Matthew Simmons' book Twilight in the Desert which makes a case for a near-term peak for Saudi Arabia and by implication for the world.Copyright 2006 Kurt Cobb [ Post Comment ] Comment #83 posted by Sukoi on March 01, 2006 at 17:19:57 PT Museman Thanks for stepping in. The thing is that the SCOTUS is supposed to rule according to the Constitution and that document does NOT grant the government to prohibit the cultivation, possession or consumption of anything. People tend to think that the Constitution grants rights to the people but it does just the opposite as it outlines the powers of the government, anything not granted to the government falls under the guise of the ninth and tenth amendments. So if the case of cannabis prohibition were brought to the SCOTUS on Constitutional grounds, they could really only rule one way - unconstitutional at the federal level. Please point out if I'm missing something. [ Post Comment ] Comment #82 posted by museman on March 01, 2006 at 15:47:24 PT constitutionality Pardon me for stepping in, but it seems to me that more has 'been overlooked' than just a 'simple constitutional challenge.' There are a lot of assumptions being made about the efficacy, and even the legitimacy of the 'actual' government.Having been up against, and behind the wall more than once, I have actually discussed the 'constitutionality' issues with the various lawyers I have had and known. Americans are under many delusions, one of them is the 'common interpretation of constitutional law.' That common interpretation is often quite remedial and parochial compared to the actual 'legal' twists and turns of the wording and meanings that have become 'contemporary law.'Modern law is not about justice, or order, it is a game of manipulation and control. The recent appointees to the Supreme Court exemplify this fact. Marijuana prohibition is 'unconstitional.' So is having a standing army, or making war on the citizens of the United States. The list is long and getting longer every day.Constitutional Law is still struggling against tyranny, and mis-representation, unfortunately 'the people' have by and large accepted the take over by the status quo, allowed their governments from local township to Executive Federates to turn the U'S. Constitution into a feeble document. It has nearly been 'interpreted' out of existence.It is a deep and comlplex problem of which cannabis prohibition is a profound example. [ Post Comment ] Comment #81 posted by Hope on March 01, 2006 at 15:45:49 PT BGreen Whatever it must have been a good couple or three of them! I know the kind of pain and frustrations that can lead to posts and then requests for deletion of those same fired off in anger or pain comments.Thankfully, FoM checks on us regularly enough to be able to help us with those bouts of unrestraint.Sweeping. Sweeping. Sweeping. Move along folks. You missed it! :0) [ Post Comment ] Comment #80 posted by BGreen on March 01, 2006 at 15:33:31 PT You're very sweet, FoM I'm letting my pain control my judgement. :-(Get moving, folks. There's nothing here to see. LOLThe Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #79 posted by FoM on March 01, 2006 at 15:28:41 PT BGreen I left #78 so people would know I removed your comments at your request and those comments related to them. [ Post Comment ] Comment #78 posted by BGreen on March 01, 2006 at 15:21:02 PT Please erase 73, 75, 77 and this post Thank you, and I'm sorry.The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #72 posted by BGreen on March 01, 2006 at 04:46:34 PT I agree, Sukoi There's nothing in that document that allows us any medicine, so I think the simplest constitutional challenge has been ignored.The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #71 posted by Sukoi on March 01, 2006 at 03:31:34 PT herbdoc Obviously I don't have the answers, I just think that had the Raich case been framed around the constitutionality of the prohibition of cannabis itself that the outcome would have been more favorable. I mean, look at what happened in the hoasca tea case. Although the cases are indeed different, it shows that if the arguement is framed correctly, people can prevail regardless of the stance of the government. I wonder what will happen the next time someone uses a religious defense in court for cannabis use??? [ Post Comment ] Comment #70 posted by herbdoc215 on February 28, 2006 at 18:04:13 PT Sukoi....if this didn't work for sick people... How in the hell can we shepard a case to SCOTUS for recreational if grandma can't puff da ghanga for her rumitism! How much money do you think it took to get that case as far as it got? Any idea where we look for this money as nobodies stepped up to the bat yet? If I had a dime for everybody who I have talked to who were sure they knew how to end this I could buy the London Bridge...yet the problem still lives and breathes as strong as it ever has........not being defeatist just realistic....the very definition of a fanatic is, one who redoubles his efforts as his goal sinks further from sight........let's not keep repeating the mistakes of the past...we need to try something new! Also what part of quote below would be different if it was for recreational than medical or how the result would ever be different! peace, Steve Tuck"The plaintiffs assert that the government’s medical marijuana ban is unconstitutional, and violates the first, fourth, sixth, eighth, ninth, and 10th amendments. In particular, plaintiffs claim that the prohibition violates their rights to due process and equal protection under the law" [ Post Comment ] Comment #69 posted by Sukoi on February 28, 2006 at 16:51:46 PT In other words... ... not just the use of MMJ but the prohibition of cannabis period... [ Post Comment ] Comment #68 posted by Sukoi on February 28, 2006 at 16:42:23 PT herbdoc... Thanks but my point is that the CONSTITUTIONALITY of cannabis prohibition ITSELF has never been challenged and I simply cannot understand why. "Compassionate use" is not an arguement of the CONSTITUTIONALITY of the law itself. The prohibition of cannabis goes directly against the U.S. Constitution; the ninth and tenth amendments. Why doesn't this ever get challenged? [ Post Comment ] Comment #67 posted by herbdoc215 on February 28, 2006 at 16:06:08 PT Here is another earlier story about suit We can never get anywhere if we can't record were we've been! peace, steveUSA TODAY 3, 1998 AUTHORITIES CONSIDER MEDICAL USE OF MARIJUANA WASHINGTON—Responding to a request from a federal judge, the Justice Department is considering whether to permit government-supervised use of marijuana as a treatment for certain sick people.If Justice agrees to settle a lawsuit as proposed by a district judge in Philadelphia, government-approved marijuana could be available to thousands of AIDS and cancer sufferers and other patients. In return, the 160 plaintiffs in the case would drop their lawsuit.Now, only about eight patients nationwide receive government-approved marijuana under a program administered by the Department of Health and Human Services.Agreeing to the proposed settlement would mark a major reversal of Justice Department policy. Since January, the department has filed suit seeking to close at least six California "marijuana clubs" which supply members, including disease sufferers, with the drug."This is definitely new," said Dave Fratello, spokesman for Americans for Medical Rights, a Los Angeles-based group that favors making marijuana available with a doctor’s approval. "This could change the entire trend of federal policy."The proposal was made late last month by Judge Marvin Katz to settle a class-action suit that contends laws prohibiting marijuana use are unconstitutional. Justice Department lawyers filed papers Thursday asking for "at least 60 days" to consider the judge’s proposal."There are provisions in the law that allow for scientific research ... under scientific conditions," said Gregory King, a department spokesman."(But) we have taken the position that marijuana must go through the same process all medications go through prior to their approval ... to be cleared by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)." That has never happened.Marijuana can produce a "high" leading to addiction. See The Relative Addictiveness of Drugs According to NIDA's Own ResearcherIt also is credited by disease sufferers with a host of benefits, such as relieving nausea associated with chemotherapy.Tuesday voters in five states and the District of Columbia will decide proposals to make medical marijuana available under a doctor’s direction.A government-sponsored medical marijuana study is being phased out by the Clinton administration, which doubts the drug’s benefits. Eight holdovers from the project receive government-sanctioned marijuana grown at a federal facility in Oxford, Miss.Katz is a 68-year-old Ronald Reagan appointee on senior or semiretired status.Through an assistant, the judge declined to answer questions about the case.Class Action From the Bay Area Reporter bar October 29, 1998 By Liz HighleymanMEDICAL POT USERS FILE CLASS ACTION SUITA U.S. District Court in Philadelphia last Wednesday, October 21 heard the first arguments in a class action suit challenging the federal government’s prohibition on the use of medical cannabis.The lawsuit - Kuromiya vs. the U.S. - involves 166 plaintiffs from 49 states (the Action Class for Freedom of Therapeutic Cannabis). They claim to represent an estimated 97 million Americans who use medicinal marijuana to help stimulate their appetite to prevent wasting, relieve the effects of nausea due to chemotherapy, reduce high eye pressure related to glaucoma, or for other medical purposes.The plaintiffs assert that the government’s medical marijuana ban is unconstitutional, and violates the first, fourth, sixth, eighth, ninth, and 10th amendments. In particular, plaintiffs claim that the prohibition violates their rights to due process and equal protection under the law.According to plaintiffs’ attorney Lawrence Elliott Hirsch, "There can be no more cruel and unusual punishment than to deprive a seriously ill or disabled person of the only remedy that has been found to work."The lead plaintiff in the suit, Kiyoshi Kuromiya, is a longtime AIDS activist who uses medical cannabis to help control HIV-related wasting. Kuromiya and several other plaintiffs detailed their personal experiences using medicinal marijuana and how it has helped them deal with various maladies. He stated that the Marinol pill, which contains a synthesized analogue of an active ingredient of marijuana, did not work for him because pill-taking triggered his nausea and it takes up to an hour for Marinol’s effects to kick in.‘Quite Supportive’ JudgeAccording to a report from Hirsch, District Court Judge Marvin Katz denied the federal government’s motion to have the case dismissed on the grounds that the government is within its rights to regulate drugs as interstate commerce.In response to a question from the judge, federal attorneys acknowledged that the government does provide medical cannabis to eight patients, the few that remain from an earlier compassionate use program. According to Kuromiya, the presence of the compassionate use program "collapses in one fell swoop the government’s argument that marijuana is not therapeutically effective," and "flies in the face of [drug czar General Barry] McCaffrey’s statement that there is scientific proof of the unworthiness of cannabis as a therapeutic treatment for any condition."Likening the situation to the unfairness of providing morphine for pain relief to only eight people, the judge proposed a settlement in which the federal government would enroll the plaintiffs in the cannabis compassionate use program. The attorney for the federal government said the proposal was costly and unacceptable. The plaintiffs’ attorney will poll the Action Class to determine whether members will accept the settlement.Kuromiya characterized Katz as "quite supportive," and said that the Action Class has "cleared its first hurdle." The plaintiffs will file an amendment to their lawsuit, and the government will have 60 days to respond. Both sides were asked by the judge to provide additional information, including scientific data related to the medicinal use of cannabis.Copyright: 1998 The Bay Area Reporter [ Post Comment ] Comment #66 posted by herbdoc215 on February 28, 2006 at 16:03:13 PT Judge Katz, dimissed this suit outright as soon as it looked like we had a can anything make it in a court that knows no justice, how can any rule be enforced against those who know no rules? How can we ever expect justice today when it wasn't even possible in a saner world......and I won't even remind some here of how close we got with Carter speaking of him below.....I've watched the anti's roll the clock back in my lifetime! We must stand our ground but we also must get the other side to obey the very rules they use to kill us with and lock our families into this life of fear and mistrust! Peace, steve [ Post Comment ] Comment #65 posted by herbdoc215 on February 28, 2006 at 15:58:18 PT Sukoi, forgive my spelling...but here is story Report From Philadelphia: The Class Action Suit Goes Forward With The Government on The Defensive – 3 Prominent Lawyers Join Plaintiffs’ Team See Action Class Suit For Medical Marijuana Reported In USA Today and The Bay Area Reporter and linksMarch 4, 1999 (Marijuananews note: This class action lawsuit is looking more encouraging every day. Having a large number of patients/plaintiffs in the courtroom, seven or eight of whom were in wheelchairs, made it obvious that the medical marijuana issue is about the very real problems of very real people.Although I have met some of the plaintiffs over the last several years, it is still very moving to see a group of people facing such severe problems challenging the arrogance of the DEAland government. These are really inspiring people. The government impoverishes them, leaves them in pain and threatens them when they protest. But they have the courage to "speak truth to power." NORML and others helped to cover the cost of bringing in the patient/plaintiffs, who obviously do not have the means to travel even to such important events.After the hearing we all went to visit the Liberty Bell, where the plaintiffs had their picture taken. It takes a great deal of strength and courage for people with severe medical problems to travel. It often involves enduring even more pain than what they suffer on a daily basis. It is they that I have in mind when I sometimes ask with more than a bit of sarcasm, "Have the sick, dying and disabled liberated us yet?" They really will. As the release below indicates, the judge would not dismiss the class action complaint, as requested by the government. The government’s position is very simple, the Congress has the right and the executive has the authority to act in an arbitrary manner. If they want to deny the medical value of cannabis, they can. However, the Judge ordered the government to find out what kind of paperwork was involved in closing down the Compassionate IND program under which the eight legal medical marijuana continue to get marijuana from the government. This is clearly not something that will help the government. In a few weeks, the government will have to tell the judge the extent of the paperwork, and then he can order them to produce it within a period of time. This may seem like a game, and to a degree it is, but it is an important game that the government is presently losing.The government's lead attorney seemed not to have a very good understanding of the issue.` The plaintiffs were obviously amused when he had to admit that he did not know outcome of a case that he had just cited. Three prominent criminal defense attorneys also attended the hearing and have now signed on to the case to assist lead Attorney, Lawrence E. Hirsch. See NORML Legal Committee members Bill Panzer, who represents The Marin Alliance for Medical Marijuana and is a part of the defense team for the Oakland Club, and Michael Cutler of Boston (See Important Cases), have joined former NORML Board member -- and long time hemp activist -- Gatewood Galbraith on the team. See The fact that they have joined the case should tell the layman that they consider the case very important and think that the outlook is promising. The bottom line is that the case will go aggressively forward. There will be many new plaintiffs signing on around the country. Even without the progress being made on medical marijuana around the world, notably in Canada, this case has the potential to destroy marijuana prohibition. In the full context of all these other events, it is even more important.One thing has not changed …yet. There was no coverage of this event in the Philadelphia papers, and the national media blackout on medical marijuana continues. Even the great photo op at the Liberty Bell was covered only by the local Fox affiliate. It will be interesting to see if it was reported by Fox anywhere else around the country.The next big test of the media’s selective blindness comes with the release of the Institute Of Medicine report on medical marijuana, which is expected within the next two weeks.)From The Marin Alliance for Medical Marijuana 6 School Street Plaza, Suite 215 Fairfax, CA 94930 For more information call: (415) 256 – 9328 fax (415) 256 – 8140For Immediate Release: March 4, 1999Medical Marijuana Patients See First VictoryPhiladelphia courtroom filled as lawsuit goes forwardA national class action lawsuit seeking to free marijuana for medical use, moved forward yesterday when Honorable Judge Marvin Katz indicated that the action against the government would go forward and that the comprehensive class action complaint would not be dismissed as requested by the government in the United States District Court in Philadelphia. The federal courtroom aisles were packed with wheelchairs and nearly every seat was occupied by 65 plaintiffs from all over the nation. Lawrence Elliott Hirsch, Esq., chief counsel for the group of critically ill people and caregivers, traded arguments with attorneys for the federal government over the government’s reasons for permanently closing the Federal Compassionate Access Program, that provides medical marijuana to only eight patients in the United States. Judge Katz has requested that the government produce supporting documentation to justify its position that marijuana has no medical value."Many of us came from long distances, to show our judge exactly who we are. We hope to achieve a change in the law," stated Lynnette Shaw, director of the Marin Alliance for Medical Marijuana from California and one of the patient plaintiffs in the action. "I hope that every sick person in America will benefit from our lawsuit." [ Post Comment ] Comment #64 posted by Sukoi on February 28, 2006 at 14:54:11 PT herbdoc What was the title of the case? I Googled various things and couldn't find it. Was this case directly about the constitutionality of cannabis prohibition? [ Post Comment ] Comment #63 posted by herbdoc215 on February 28, 2006 at 12:31:16 PT Sukoi, Go back in history to circa 1994 And look up the lawsuit that about 400 of us brought against the federal gov't (I proudly was a plaintiff as was Angel Raich and several others I'm sure yall have heard of as well) with Hearsh as lead council against US gov't closing off the compassionate IND prgram to us....equal protectionand all that stuff! We made it all the way to the highest courts only to have it dismissed out of hand.....after all that work and money those poor men spent and all us patients who thought we were going to win? We had them and they just dismissed us out of hand! They idea you present while just and right would take hundreds of thousands of dollars and thousands of people donating time.......while I support the idea I can't see any of it happening when we can't even hardly triage the horror cases coming out of federal court now??? I am open for ideas and suggestions though especially if we can figure out a way to get cannabis users to send in money for anything but seeds! Peace, Steve Tuck [ Post Comment ] Comment #62 posted by FoM on February 28, 2006 at 09:20:12 PT herbdoc215 You sure are a pistol but you sure are sweet! LOL! [ Post Comment ] Comment #61 posted by herbdoc215 on February 28, 2006 at 09:18:14 PT Let me happily eat some words here! It seems after being educated somewhat lately that my words earlier were in hast and emotion and it was way off base to compare NORML with MPP as my frustration got the best of me and Allen St. P being the gentleman he is has shown me through action that he indeed worthy of the 'hero' tag I've always placed on him! Those words are now officially eaten and will never be utter again out of my mouth........I was wrong! Jerry is picking up a bunch of supporters on our website OGF and I am starting to see a little light....let's rip it open enough to shine a ray all the way to Jerry! Peace, Steve TuckPeace, Steve [ Post Comment ] Comment #60 posted by Sukoi on February 27, 2006 at 16:11:29 PT BGreen (comment 55) Me too.Herbdoc, I simply can't understand why no one has challenged the laws against cannabis themselves; the government has NO AUTHORITY WHATSOEVER TO PROHIBIT ANY PLANT NOR THE USE OF IT. The ninth and tenth amendments are very clear. That is the reality, why hasn't this ever been challenged to the SCOTUS level? Perhaps now is the time... [ Post Comment ] Comment #59 posted by runruffswife on February 27, 2006 at 15:49:56 PT Rev. Bud Green Your words resonate in my heart. Thank you for your kindness. [ Post Comment ] Comment #58 posted by FoM on February 27, 2006 at 14:40:36 PT museman Thank you. [ Post Comment ] Comment #57 posted by museman on February 27, 2006 at 14:31:19 PT A song that runruff and I did The lyrics seem so appropriate. N. Lothamer wrote his part of it about his own experience as a victim in the WOD. Jerry was our main drummer. circa 1989. lyrics and songlink [ Post Comment ] Comment #56 posted by museman on February 27, 2006 at 14:21:36 PT ignorance is rampant "The problem is that the plants all derive from the cannabis genus," Riley said. "It would allow marijuana and hemp to be grown side by side. It would impose an unreasonable burden on local law enforcement."Perhaps I shouldn't be giving away some of the secrets (or facts) about growing marijuana as a medicine, in distinction to the growing of hemp.Any 'pot' grower would know that 'growing your smoke side by side with hemp' would be pretty damn stupid. But I guess ignorance breeds it's own kind of stupidity. [ Post Comment ] Comment #55 posted by BGreen on February 27, 2006 at 12:39:29 PT runruffswife I'll be helping Jerry out with a little $$ too.I'm not doing it for praise, in fact, the only reason I'm mentioning it is to show you and everybody else reading this that Jerry is loved and respected FAR MORE than the megalomaniacal barbarians who are perpetrating this crime upon him could ever dream of.I know Jerry would do the same for me. :-)The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #54 posted by runruffswife on February 27, 2006 at 11:57:38 PT Had Enough Yes, thank you for asking, I have hugged our dogs today. If I knew how to key in a smile I would. It touches my heart to the point of tears that you are sending money to Jerry's commissary. FOM, you also. Thank you Thank you. And that you all care so much. It feels so good to have you as our friends.Jerry said before he left that him going Inside will bring more light to the injustice of cannabis prohibition. "they have only amplified his message" [ Post Comment ] Comment #53 posted by ekim on February 27, 2006 at 08:59:34 PT Resist eating our own-united we stand-u-no-therest By K.C. Howard, Review-Journal Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal Nevada -- The Committee to Regulate and Control Marijuana opened its office in Las Vegas on Monday, officially kicking off its second statewide campaign to legalize possession of the weed by adults. The group's goal is to get voters to approve a measure in November that would legalize possession of up to one ounce of pot for anyone 21 and older in Nevada. Legalization Backers Launch Nevada Campaign Posted by CN Staff on February 07, 2006 at 19:09:17 PT By Kathleen Hennessey, Associated Press Source: Las Vegas Sun Las Vegas, NV -- Proponents of a petition legalizing small amounts of marijuana launched their campaign Tuesday, recruiting volunteers, serving snacks and urging Nevada voters to support a "tax-and-regulate" proposal on the November ballot. "Our marijuana laws don't work," said Neal Levine, executive director of the Committee to Regulate and Control Marijuana. The group is largely funded by the Washington D.C.-based Marijuana Policy Project. [ Post Comment ] Comment #52 posted by FoM on February 27, 2006 at 08:45:32 PT mayan I really believe that Jimmy Carter if he is aware of how many people have been hurt by marijuana still being illegal might say something publically if we can make it an issue again. For a man his age he is really sharp. Jack might be able to have a talk with his Father on this issue. I know I'm dreaming but we just have to try something. [ Post Comment ] Comment #51 posted by mayan on February 27, 2006 at 08:34:57 PT FoM I did a google search on Jack Carter and there are a lot of Jack Carters! If he can unseat John Ensign that would be great! I back Jack! [ Post Comment ] Comment #50 posted by FoM on February 27, 2006 at 08:21:11 PT More Info on Jack Carter Jack Carter was 30 when his father was elected president and never lived in the White House. He enlisted in the Navy, serving one tour of duty in Vietnam before being given an administrative discharge for using marijuana and LSD. [ Post Comment ] Comment #49 posted by FoM on February 27, 2006 at 08:07:20 PT Here's Information on Carter's Son [ Post Comment ] Comment #48 posted by Had Enough on February 27, 2006 at 08:05:38 PT It is Time Comment #45" Evil only requires that good men do nothing"NOW is the time for all good men to come to aid of their brothers.Good luck to you.Mrs. Runnruff. Have you hugged your dogs yet today? [ Post Comment ] Comment #47 posted by FoM on February 27, 2006 at 08:01:51 PT JustGetnBy, Mayan and Runruffswife Thank you for caring for Jerry and Linda. When I checked my e-mail there are so many people going thru the fire in California. All of this has really only happened under this administration. I remember when Jimmy Carter wanted to decriminalize marijuana and then he changed his mind. His son is running for an office and I wonder if we could write to him and ask him to have his father speak one last time about marijuana publically. I think Jimmy Carter is a good man. He wasn't a strong president but he sure has a good heart. If I can find contact information for President Carter's son I will post it or if someone finds it please post it. We never know what might help. We could send his son the link to Jerry's page and the video and if he watches the video or reads about Jerry maybe something might happen. Even x presidents have power. [ Post Comment ] Comment #46 posted by mayan on February 27, 2006 at 07:50:19 PT runruffswife You have friends here. The government can't just lock people away and expect no repercussions. It sounds like they were out to silence your husband but they have only amplified his message and his efforts. I hope you are together again as soon as possible. Please be strong for your husband and for yourself.Thanks again, Tuck! [ Post Comment ] Comment #45 posted by JustGetnBy on February 27, 2006 at 07:46:28 PT FOM & Family I don't comment often, but this Federal tyranny demands my voice be added to yours. To remain silent in the face of this blatent evil perpetrated upon it's own citizens by a govt. that no longer serves it's masters would be a crime of the heart. I too live on a federal stipend, and must handle my budget with care, but a money order for Jerry will be added to my list of monthly obligations. Like Jerry, and many others here I'm sure, I am a target of this Drug War madness, simply because I am older and have physical conditions that cannabis helps with. No I am not currently in the system, but as Museman said "there but for the grace of God go I" Not a day or night passes that I don't worry that they are comming for me, a prison sentence is de facto life sentence for a senior. God bless Jerry and all my family here. " Evil only requires that good men do nothing" [ Post Comment ] Comment #44 posted by mayan on February 27, 2006 at 07:33:51 PT Misc. Physician advocates for medical marijuana: pot has tough test: an unrelated note, Alaskan Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Frank's Daughter) is now supporting the treasonous PATRIOT Act. She was one of a handful of republicans that were holding out but she has caved in. It turns out she was simply posturing. She is guilty of treason in my book. Harsh words? You bet your ass. Freedom is at stake! Patriot Act revisions get senator's support:,1413,113%7E7244%7E3252162,00.htmlBill of Rights Defense Committee WAY OUT IS THE WAY IN...Judicial Watch sues DoD for Videos of Attack on Pentagon: Up a Nuclear 9/11 - The UAE Port Scandal Brainwash: Goers Get Popcorn and a Dose of Doubt About 9/11: of San Francisco area 9/11 Truth event held Feb. 23, 2006: Revisited: WERE EXPLOSIVES USED TO BRING DOWN THE BUILDINGS? (video): [ Post Comment ] Comment #43 posted by runruffswife on February 27, 2006 at 07:08:00 PT runruff - legal The district attorney, Doug Fong, knew Jerry from before. He knows about Jerry's film, Let My People Grow. They used it around here as a training tool for the "authorities", one LEO who was here even said so.Jerry was targeted because he is such an activist. He's out there. One grower we know who was busted months prior to us with 10 times the plants is enjoying this morning with his wife and family here in the valley where we live. We had poor legal representation, court appointed. This attorney held Jerry's hand to the doors of Devens. Jerry was told that he had to plead guilty, that he had to forfeit his right to an appeal. "If you take this to trial the government will make this very difficult for you. It will be very costly in prison time and finances." It's all psychology for their gain. Shame on you Federal Government! [ Post Comment ] Comment #42 posted by runruffswife on February 27, 2006 at 07:00:16 PT runruff I believe that the prison system isolates new inmates for their orientation period as part of the psychology of it all. The day following the bust I was sitting in the office of the court release officer, they wanted to interview me to see if Jerry was suitable to be released to go home to await trial. Looking around this man's office I saw an abundance of psychology books. The District Attorney told Jerry he needed to be shaken out of the marijuana lifestyle. Jerry's police report from the day of the bust tells about what a gentleman he was, very polite, no firearms. Jerry's UAs for the past almost 2 years have been clean. I don't know what they would be detoxing him from except a mental detox from what's familiar, so as to better indoctrinate him to the Inside. [ Post Comment ] Comment #41 posted by whig on February 26, 2006 at 22:27:20 PT FoM Everyone dies, but Jerry is still with us.I agree that there is a lot of really heartless cruelty, and needless suffering caused by people who won't help someone they think is responsible for their own condition because they "used drugs."People use drugs for a reason. Sometimes it's just to blunt some other kind of pain. We should be trying to relieve people's pain. Not punish them for making choices we don't agree with.This even applies to our adversaries in the DEA and who persecute our friends and our families and ourselves. We should remember they too are suffering, and the reason people become bullies is usually their own mental anguish. Maybe their father beat them when they were children. I don't know, and everyone has their own story, but we shouldn't want to continue the cycle of violence.Let's keep waging peace on war, love our enemies, and we will end this travesty. [ Post Comment ] Comment #40 posted by BGreen on February 26, 2006 at 22:18:32 PT I've been praying and meditating about Jerry I've been silent up until now because my mind has been working overtime trying to make any kind of sense out of this atrocity.I feel incredibly hopeless, but at the same time incredibly hopeful because instead of being alone in some prison, Jerry has a huge virtual family fighting for him.People like Richard Cowan. Somebody that I admire so much, and even have a few mutual "in person" friends in the Netherlands like Nol van Schaik and Mila Jansen.Jerry would be lost in the system if it weren't for and all of the caring family we have here, and I'm SO PROUD of all of you. We have something so special, unlike anything I've ever experienced in my life.I truly believe we were brought together not by coincidence, but by fate. We've all been fighting the same war for many years alone or with a very small group of close, trusted friends. But now we've been brought together en masse to fight the final battle.We are no longer an army of one, we are a mighty force of millions.The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #39 posted by FoM on February 26, 2006 at 21:37:33 PT Whig and Everyone I don't know what that was you mentioned so I did a google search and it sure said it had bad withdrawal effects. I believe that one of the most looked over areas of incarceration is drug withdrawal. I always wondered what exactly killed Jerry Garcia. Would he have died if he was getting good hospital monitoring type care? I don't think so. Caring for a person whether it is in a detox center or in prison should be done properly just for humanitarian purposes. [ Post Comment ] Comment #38 posted by whig on February 26, 2006 at 20:44:27 PT FoM GBL detox was horrible. Nuff said. [ Post Comment ] Comment #37 posted by whig on February 26, 2006 at 20:43:43 PT Steve Tuck It's my experience that most legal documents state all kinds of legally unenforceable things, clauses which wouldn't be upheld, but are used to persuade the signer that they have given up certain rights that they could not have waived under any circumstance.I do not believe it is possible to waive the right to appeal for ineffective assistance of counsel.Thank you for all you are doing to help. [ Post Comment ] Comment #36 posted by FoM on February 26, 2006 at 20:28:34 PT Toker00 The combination of the two is terrible. I saw a woman go thru alcohol withdrawal and as sick as I was it was really prescription pain medicine (codeine) that was hard for me even though I did drink too. The woman was climbing the walls and screamed and screamed. I didn't scream I only hurt really bad. [ Post Comment ] Comment #35 posted by Toker00 on February 26, 2006 at 20:17:18 PT FoM I've been through detox too, FoM. Eleven days. For alcohol. There is nothing good about it, except that it does end. I don't know what runruff went through in the beginning or if he had to detox. Being deprived of contact with the outside is bad enough. Having to do that AND detox would be rougher. I wasn't allowed contact with anyone for thirty days.museman, when I said one year and eleven months, I didn't mean it lightly, only that it would pass. I believe everything should be done to get an early release for Jerry or anyone else. There should be no one in prison for cannabis possession in the first place.Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW! [ Post Comment ] Comment #34 posted by FoM on February 26, 2006 at 19:43:51 PT herbdoc215 Patience comes with age. When I was your age I got very angry and often easily. Now I look at about everything this way. Here we are and I'm angry and what can I do about it then I think alot. I try to wait before I react and most times my frustration passes but righteous indignation festers and will not stop until I do something about it.Thank you Linda and keep up that great spirit it will carry you. [ Post Comment ] Comment #33 posted by runruffswife on February 26, 2006 at 19:37:07 PT herbdoc You Go Steve Tuck! Bless You. Love Love Love. Mrs. RunRuff [ Post Comment ] Comment #32 posted by herbdoc215 on February 26, 2006 at 19:34:41 PT Fom., We got a bite already...... Here is an idea and an opinion from a patient who is also a paralegal here in Oregon that was posted on OGF....I'm also not far from where runruff lived so if we need to file court papers or such I am down with doing it suited up of course;) Quote: Originally Posted by herbdoc215 Bluesbud, The bs plea waived appeal for any reason and actually said for lack of effective counsel couldn't be appealed......this is biggest set-up put-up job I've ever seen! Peace, steve" :unquote Bluesbud; Quote: Steve, a 2255 petition which serves as a habeas corpus for a federal conviction cannot be blocked by a plea agreement. I have, as a paralegal done more than twenty assists on these after plea agreements. A petition under 28 U.S.C. § 2255 to vacate, set aside or correct a sentence of a person in federal custody is the only recourse for most guilty pleas. The strategy is to attack the nature of the agreement and the proficiency of the defense counsel who signed it. With a bit more info, such as viewing the agreement, I could at least determine whether he meets criteria in the circuit of his conviction or meets the tests of the standing supreme court opinion. This cannot be overlooked and Lee Berger could probably tell you that few attorney's properly assist in a 2255 petition. Not usually much money in it for them, either. (don't tell Lee I said that, though, LOL!) Really, one can never give up on a legal approach. I refuse to. end quote:I agree FoM 100%....this is one we are going to have to take by the horns ourselves, as Jerry is family......I just ain't near as diplomatic as you are. I hope someday to learn patience? I am very aware that but for the grace of God that would be my ass setting there and that sends a shiver up my spine! I am on the case and if I can help in anyway I haven't thought of yet anybody feel free to contact me? I am going to give this some more serious thought and praying as this is going to nag me until I see some resolution for Jerry and Mrs. runruff! Peace, Steve Tuck [ Post Comment ] Comment #31 posted by runruffswife on February 26, 2006 at 19:33:19 PT FOM We feel blessed to have each other. Thank you FOM. You're a warrior goddess. [ Post Comment ] Comment #30 posted by FoM on February 26, 2006 at 19:31:18 PT runruffswife Yes he is radiant. He is also very fortunate to have you. [ Post Comment ] Comment #29 posted by runruffswife on February 26, 2006 at 19:27:27 PT fom - MR. and MRS. RunRuff Thanks FOM. That's us. Look at that light coming through Jerry's eyes. He is radiant. That is who is in a Federal Prison right now. For growing the cannabis plant. [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by runruffswife on February 26, 2006 at 19:25:10 PT Jerry on the inside Yes Museman. Jerry truly is a special individual. It's wrong what the Feds are doing to him and all the others like him. But Jerry will make something right about it. He will use this to continue to spread truth. When you turn the light on the darkness disappears, yes? [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by FoM on February 26, 2006 at 19:23:41 PT Picture of Jerry and Linda I thought it would be good to post the picture for those who might not know why we are upset. Thank you museman for the page. [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by runruffswife on February 26, 2006 at 19:20:39 PT: righteousness sometimes means getting really mad FOM, Herbdoc, MuseMan, everyone else, thank you for your righteous anger about what is happening with Jerry. It is justified. [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by museman on February 26, 2006 at 19:14:22 PT runruffs letter I just felt like sharing a little more of what was in his letter to Linda.'Already things are moving' he says even though he'd been in isolation. He has struck up some conversations already with several unusual people, who are also 'political' prisoners. One of whom was with Leonard Peltier at wounded knee. He is making gold out of lead over there. As those of us are trying in whatever ways we can see clearly to do, to reach some kind of sane reality in all of this on the 'outside' Jerry is hard at work on the inside, truly 'making America a better place.' Such sacrifices should never have to be made, but Jerry is doing honor to the truth in the belly of the beast. It's only a matter of time before the beast can't handle such humor in it's fearsome belly, and throws Jerry back to us. We have to tickle the belly from the outside, cause some indigestion. [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by runruffswife on February 26, 2006 at 19:13:23 PT: RunRuff - this all started 2 years ago today. Today is 2 years since the DEA raided our peaceful home and held guns to my husband and my heads. The guy in charge, Ron Wright said it was because of the plants we were growing. His boss, Kevin Quinn, was a yoga student of mine. Our current administration thinks this is okay. It's okay to terrorize fellow Americans who are doing what is truthfully perfectly okay and in harmony with the greater good to do. Wow. It was Thursday, February 26, 2004 at 10 in the morning that we saw our fellow countrymen run through our property armed as if there were facing a charging enemy. What? Who? We were the enemy? To whom? We grew cannabis plants for sick people. That is an honorable thing to do. This awesome state of Oregon thinks it's okay too. But our Federal Government is who came a'bargin' in that day. This is sad to me. But it also fuels my yearning for truth and to see it manifest in our physical realities. Our misguided countrymen under the delusion of our greedy leaders are forgiven. But let's get wiser as a collective people, it will rub off on the deluded. Let us all set an intention daily to receive more and yet more light. This madness, this terror on peaceful farmers is coming to an end. We shall all see to that. Love Love Love Mrs. RunRuff [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by FoM on February 26, 2006 at 17:42:20 PT museman, herbdoc215 and Everyone The current big organizations do what they can with what they have but on a personal level it's hard to get their attention. I don't like some policys in the organizations but I don't contribute money to any of them but contribute my time here on CNews. I hope that is worth something to the reform movement because that is all I can do.Now to reality I'm really angry. I don't like when I get angry. We will have to find a way to help Jerry ourselves. Now how? We will do our best to get a money order in the mail tomorrow and if not tomorrow by then end of the week if my husband has to go load and git early in the morning. Maybe we need to ask people if anyone lives near where Jerry is. I know that visiting a prison wouldn't be easy for people because they are scary places but we need to try. Maybe people who are into prison issues could help him get a visitor. That's my first thoughts. [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by Dankhank on February 26, 2006 at 17:25:10 PT OT Ricky Williams this one?I like this story ... [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by herbdoc215 on February 26, 2006 at 17:21:05 PT FoM, my thoughts exactly And I've been working upon just that for two weeks...other than for lawyers, it's federal policy to segregate prisoners pre and post move for a few weeks which should be about up now......Richard Cowan has promised me that he's working on getting people he know's up in Mass. to see Jerry and he's helped me get a couple of attorney's to review case so far so he's best bet by far I'm sure as I've stressed to him a bunch of times how important this is to me and he's promised action so we should see something soon from himI pray! I'm trying to get patients here in Oregon aware of this case....I've begged NORML for help upon several occasions for Jerry but keep getting told it's beyond anything they can do about it other than publishing info for awareness as his plea he signed was iron-tite they said.And I am so tired of hearing...... oh, we don't do that when ever concrete action is needed or let somebody actually ask them to GIVE money out and they have an embolism.....Unless your a rock/tv/movie/sports star then they can't do or publish enough about'em,....... but they'll tell people to donate to THEM for it I'll betcha, from NORML, ASA, MPP, *insert organization name here*, there all pretty much the same it seems! Don't even get me my illusions have been ripped straight off my eyes and I'm tearing up from brightness of the truths that keep slapping me in my face.....nothing like good old disillusionment to settle things home!I've asked them all or had somebody else do it and not a word have I read anywhere but here about it.... I am pretty much done with the current list of organizations cause I think way to many of them are quite fine with the status quo as it isn't their asses on the line, it's all academic to them as they know with their $50,000/year in the bag ....they know they ain't going nowhere for no quarterbag they might carry around...and I ain't just going to accept that there is nothing we can do for Jerry!!!!! I'm pissed now and I don't really care who gives a shit about toes..........Lead on FoM, I got your back! Hell I been so mad lately I can't hardly's time things changed! FoM, everytime I deal with 'professional' activist....I marvel at what a treasure you are doing this labor of love...shine on you crazy diamond! Peace, Steve Tuck [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by museman on February 26, 2006 at 17:20:04 PT Thank you Herbdoc Jerry is definitely a hero in this war. [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by museman on February 26, 2006 at 17:16:02 PT runruff update Runruffswife was just here, and I got to read the rest of Jerry's letter. One of the things that he asked me to do was to post his commissary address. They will not supply him with anything but the basics.Jerry is a Disabled American Veteran, he is on a fixed disability income. Any help with Jerrys commissary would be extremely helpful. He can make a limited number of phone calls per month, but he has to 'purchase a phone card' which costs him $.20 a minute. He must purchase even his own toiletries, and other items that make life human.The prison industry is a money making business, which goes hand in hand with the Republican Agenda of making the rich richer and the poor poorer.attn: Commissary Federal Bureau of Prisons Jerrry Sisson reg# 66424-065 p.o. #474701 Desmoine Iowa 50947-0001 they accept money orders and cashiers checks. [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by FoM on February 26, 2006 at 16:33:29 PT herbdoc215 How can we get someone in to see him? He hasn't had any visitors. Someone from near the place where he is. How about a lawyer from NORML maybe from that area? Is MassCann near the place he is? We have to do something for him. Steve Kubby has access to visitors but Runruff doesn't have family near by him. He needs human contact from somone during this time. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by herbdoc215 on February 26, 2006 at 16:21:31 PT Quick update,I am getting our patient group OGF on Jerry's (runruff's) case....keep an eye on this page in future cause I'm getting our patient group here in Oregon on the case at OGF(Oregon Green Free) which is sort-of-an online compassion club for Oregon cannabis patients to help each other...and when they get moving they are a force of change I think will catch the gov't off balance! here is url to the thread where we are going to be discussing it on the public part of our website (we have areas where only patients with verify'ed Oregon OMMA cards can go to be private also... Just wanted everybody to know we haven't forgotten Jerry....I've been busy helping out over there but I still check in here and read up on the news every morning:) Peace, Steve Tuck [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by b4daylight on February 26, 2006 at 15:08:41 PT Hemp So sad to see a wonder crop go to waste, all because of ignorance and greed. [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by FoM on February 26, 2006 at 14:58:41 PT museman Now that's good. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by museman on February 26, 2006 at 14:53:21 PT OT: A Joke I've only composed a couple of jokes in my life. Here's one that I thought might be appreciated. Remember 'it's a joke'In the beginning after God had created Adam and Eve, they got kicked out of the garden, and Eve had given birth to both Cain and Abel.As the story goes, Abel grew in favor of both his father Adam, and God as well. When Cain and Abel 'competed' for God's attention, Abel was aknowledged by God 'lighting the fire' on his altar, whereas Cain's veggies just would not ignite.Cain of course was jealous, and led Abel off into the wilderness, where he slew him.After burying Abel to conceal his crime, God spoke to Cain,"Where is your brother?" asked God"Am I my brothers keeper?" Cain replied"Abels blood cries out to me from the earth!" God said. "What you have done is so horrendous, do vile, that I am going to put a mark on you, so that all nations and peoples will know you for the murderer you are!" God said.And Cain became afrighted, he became so scared that HE TURNED WHITE! [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by museman on February 26, 2006 at 14:31:05 PT Save Runruff Over on the 'philosophy' thread, we have been talking about (among) other things, the difference between 'salvation' and 'redemption.' I say that for runruff, an everybody else who is being illegally, and immorally imprisoned for acts of personal liberties, no time of waiting for real justice is acceptable. I year and eleven months indeed! What needs to be saved is the life and time of all these victims that suffer under the thumb of the rich and powerful. Find me one millionaire who suffers runruffs situation, and and I'll find you a million poor people who suffer even worse, but if you CAN find one I will be ever so suprised. Those fascist war mongering wealth hoarding monsters look after their own. Dynasties of power, rich helping themselves to the rape of planet earth.I was reading through a post on an earlier thread where whig posted a link to a supreme court decision concerning the religious use of DMT (I think it was). The thing that really got me about it, was the total goobledegook of legal word invention layered on so thick, a normal citizen would be hard pressed to understand any of it. Legaleze; the way that the lawyer lackies of the rich power elite deliberately confuse and confound the common sense and logic of a simple code of human behavior; "Love each other as you love yourself."If a 'government of the people, by the people' has a system that needs a 'special elite corps' of lawyers to interpret and rewrite in such rhetoric and double-speak, and the people themselves have no recourse to justice but through the gambit set up by the rich and powerful, then I'd say it was past time to set the record straight.Ok, here's the truth; Our government is a fascist, money-oriented exclusive club of the wealthy and powerful. The laws are written to serve the interests of the rich and powerful. The people are little more than wage-slaves, a capitulating support group for world domination and control.The public faces of the politic lay claim after claim of 'serving the people's interest' but the evidence, THE EVIDENCE, shows otherwise. Who benefits from all this? The rich and powerful of course. If we ARE a nation run by a 'peoples' government we better start getting priorities straight. It is time to balance the power between the rich, and the rest of us. First by stopping the pretension that we are a 'free' country. We are not free, only the rich get the unfettered opportunity to experience life at their own whim. The rest of us must bow and scrape, make compromises to our beliefs, and our spiritual integrity, and of course concede to their power.Are we just powerless victims, complaining loudly, or do we actually have some device to advance the cause of truth, justice, and freedom?Runruff, and all our harmless brothers and sisters are UNLAWFULLY imprisoned for believing in the very same freedom that they teach us in school, that they make foolish youth puff up their chests in false pride to go forth into the war and 'defend liberty.' Whose liberty?Free the P.O.W. from the WOD! TAKE BACK THE CONSTITUTION. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by FoM on February 26, 2006 at 13:47:07 PT Toker00 I should be happy about Mrs. Runruff getting the mail but I am angry at the length of time he spent is a state of sensory deprivation. When I went into De-tox myself I figured I'd get medical care and would be able to read a book or a magazine but they said no. I was suppose to only think of why I had to come to a de-tox hospital and was left alone. They said we allow you to read the bible but that's all. I picked up that bible and threw it across the room and it hit the wall. I went into de-tox myself because I was afraid that I would die if I tried to do it on my own at home and that I might have a seizure. I had a seizure or two I don't remember and a guy from the half way house found me and informed the nurse and the nurse chewed the guy out for entering my room! God help people who go to de-tox and think they will get help is all I can say. No person whether from drug addiction or going to prison for whatever reason should be treated that way.museman's music: [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by whig on February 26, 2006 at 13:39:48 PT Runruff He is unbroken. For his suffering, he is speaking and preaching and teaching the rest of the prisoners and the guards and the world the truth.In his situation, I don't know if I could be as strong.May God speed his way home. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by Toker00 on February 26, 2006 at 13:28:32 PT runruffswife That is great to hear. What a guy. You have GOT to feel much better now. I do. One year eleven months and so many days. It will pass.Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW! [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by FoM on February 26, 2006 at 11:30:18 PT Sensory Deprivation Sensory Deprivation is immoral. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by FoM on February 26, 2006 at 11:24:49 PT runruffswife Thank you for sharing. We must change these laws. This must stop. People ( not you Linda ) this isn't a dog and pony show this is real life and real people getting hurt. Please folks wake up and smell the roses. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by runruffswife on February 26, 2006 at 11:19:45 PT RunRuff -"it is the Feds that are way out of line& Hi Everyone, I received a letter from RunRuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My first letter from him since surrender. He is doing well and has a lot to say. I'll share a little of his letter:"I spent the first 12 days in confinement. No books, radio, tv, contact with other people. Just 4 walls in an 8 x 10 cell behind a steel door. The reason they say is lack of space. This is an 800 person capacity prison and there are 1200 inmates. The inmates pour in daily and fewer are going out. Many people are here for exercising their human right to do such and such while the Feds put them in prison for it. Many are here for various marijuana laws. Some belong here of course but consider from George I to George II the Federal Prison population has grown 1000 percent from about 800 to 80,000 prisoners. The question must be asked, is there something suddenly wrong with Americans or is there something suddenly wrong with our Government? Since a template of our constitution would in no way come even close to the Feds policies today, I'd have to say it is the Feds that are way out of line." In the belly of the beast my husband is shining out the truth. Yes!!! Words can't describe how I felt when I saw that letter. Blessings and Love Love Love, Linda, RunRuff's wife. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by ekim on February 26, 2006 at 11:18:01 PT thank you for looking FoM yesterday on C-span a reporter that has lived in China for 8 years from Newsweek was asked a question about the Hemp industry -- the caller said that the Peoples Daily had reported that billions were being made in paper and clothing -- and wondered if the reporter had ever been to a paper or clothing plant. To which the young woman said if it was in the daily it was allmost certain to be right, allthought she herself had never been to a mill. She did say that paper is a huge issue as so much is used in just the news paper alone. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by runderwo on February 26, 2006 at 10:34:40 PT cannabis abuse "If a field of hemp registers above the accepted level for THC, it is immediately ploughed under, according to Parkland Industrial Hemp Growers Co-op, a research foundation in Manitoba."What a shame. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by Graehstone on February 26, 2006 at 09:49:52 PT Nice grow busted I thought some of you might get a kick out of this if you haven't already seen it. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by FoM on February 26, 2006 at 09:20:26 PT Ekim I just looked thru NORML's web site and couldn't find it. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by ekim on February 26, 2006 at 09:14:18 PT FoM do you recall report on increase of 113 % for Cannabis arrests. While other drug offences declined. I thought it was released by Norml but have had no luck tracking it MI a few weeks back the city budget for Kalamazoo said arrests for drugs last year was 300 but the drug task force said it wanted to increase that amount to 900 this comming year. The report also stated that the drug task force had 3,000 informants. I am sure Kalamazoo is not the exception how much are these infomants paid and what impact does this have on a Free Society. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by FoM on February 26, 2006 at 08:25:46 PT Off Topic: Article from the Wall Street Journal Musings About the Drug War: [ Post Comment ] Post Comment