High Time To Regulate 

  High Time To Regulate 

Posted by CN Staff on April 23, 2005 at 20:33:17 PT
By Wyatt Buchanan, Chronicle Staff Writer  
Source: San Francisco Chronicle 

S.F. Calif. -- At Alternative Herbal Health Services, a marijuana club on lower Haight Street in San Francisco, a high-quality joint costs $5. Pot brownies are for sale, along with chocolate bars, suckers and peanut butter and jelly infused with marijuana. Different varieties of pot ranging in taste, price and quality are stored behind the glass counter in 41 small drawers.
"That's more than Baskin-Robbins," says Wayne Justmann, a 60-year-old marijuana activist and patient who frequents the small club and helps 26-year-old owner Jason Beck run the place. But opening a Baskin-Robbins or any other business in San Francisco requires obtaining city permits and licenses -- a step that just a handful of pot clubs have taken, according to city records. The city has no regulations regarding the 43 clubs Mayor Gavin Newsom says are open now, more than the city's estimate of 37 thought to be in operation when a moratorium on new clubs was set by the Board of Supervisors at the end of March. Nor does the city regulate doctors and suppliers who make up the other parts of the city's medical marijuana infrastructure that has burgeoned since passage of Proposition 215, the 1996 California law that sanctions the use of the drug for qualified patients. Doctors say they are writing a great number of prescriptions for a wide range of maladies. Meanwhile, an underground network of pot suppliers is growing and transporting large quantities of cannabis into and around the city every day. The hands-off attitude has allowed San Francisco to become host to more pot clubs than any other city in the United States. The federal government bans the sale, possession and use of marijuana for any purpose. The Drug Enforcement Administration has taken some action against clubs, but agents have not done a full-scale assault on clubs in the city. Until now, there has been no political will to address the issue on a civic level, according to San Francisco Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi. Club owners, marijuana patients, doctors, police and city officials all say the lack of regulation and the uncontrolled growth in clubs now threatens the legitimacy of the city's medical marijuana system. All of them also support the mayor's and the Board of Supervisors' desire to begin regulating the clubs. On Monday, a Board of Supervisors committee will hold the first public hearing on club regulations. On Thursday, the mayor announced a list of regulations he wants the city to adopt. How the supervisors decide to act could set a national standard for regulation. San Francisco police say there's more pot on the city's streets now than any time during the past three decades. They complain that even gang members and drug dealers buy marijuana at the clubs and sell it on the street. There is little police can do about it. "It's part of the politics of the situation, the ambiguity of the laws. All that takes the focus off marijuana enforcement because it's so difficult to get a conviction," said Capt. Tim Hettrich, head of the city's vice and narcotics division. Snipped:Complete Article: San Francisco Chronicle (CA)Author: Wyatt Buchanan, Chronicle Staff Writer Published:  Sunday, April 24, 2005 - Page A - 1Copyright: 2005 San Francisco Chronicle Contact: letters sfchronicle.comWebsite: Related Articles & Web Site:Medicinal Cannabis Research Links Newsom Offers Plan To Regulate Pot Clubs More Rules Needed for Pot Clubs Declares Moratorium on Marijuana Clubs

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Comment #20 posted by ekim on April 25, 2005 at 08:52:34 PT
Nick please see a Leap event let us know how itgos
Jose M. how is the Leap documentary coming, have public tv or cable shown interest in running it.Have you ever heard Jack Cole talk about any of the concerns raised in the Mayan -Campaign coffers- piece.see comment 7#
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Comment #19 posted by FoM on April 25, 2005 at 08:03:09 PT
I read that article on WND and all I could think of is the movie Midnight Express. That gave me chills when I saw it years ago. Foreign countries and drug issues are so scary.
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Comment #18 posted by afterburner on April 25, 2005 at 07:47:28 PT
Evolving Realization
I am coming to the conclusion that we are not fighting for legalization, or as the Canadian Supreme Court so inelegantly put it, the "right to get high": we are fighting for Freedom. If regulation is necessary to accomplish this (rights don't come without responsibilities), so be it, but, Uncle Sam, get off our backs.BTW, for those of you who have not yet seen it, Grass is the most dramatic presentation of the facts pertaining to how the federal government seized jurisdiction of drug (medicine) regulation from the states (1932 -- Uniform State Narcotic Act) under Harry Anslinger, first commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. This led eventually to the Nixon-inspired War on Drugs (medicine) and the passage by US Congress of the Controlled Substances Act, which set up the illogical and unscientific Schedules, which were rejected by the very experts called on by the government. Not to forget, that the Shaffer Commission had recommended to then President Nixon against total prohibition (elimination of) marijuana (cannabis). "This policy, if taken seriously, would require a great increase in manpower and resources in order to eliminate the use of a drug which simply does not warrant that kind of attention." --Marihuana, A Signal of Misunderstanding.
The Report of the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. 
Chapter V - 
marihuana and social policy.
A Social Control Policy for Marihuana Nixon ignored the findings on his own commission and started the Drug (medicine) War instead. The passage of the CSA paved the way -- at the urging and financing of the US government -- for the UN Single Conventions, which shifted the jurisdiction over drug (medicine) control onto the international stage with demands for compliance by individual signatory nations. Europe, Canada, and the sovereign States of the USA have demonstrated that these UN restrictions do not necessitate 100% prohibition. &&&&&&{1930–1968 -- Federal Bureau of Narcotics
Replaced the Bureau of Prohibition and moved the enforcement of drug laws from the Dept. of Treasury to the Dept. of Justice. Its first commissioner, the infamous Harry Anslinger, began actions to control cannabis in addition to opium and coca.{1932 -- Uniform State Narcotic Act
Encouraged states to pass uniform state laws matching the federal Narcotic Drug Import and Export Act. Suggested prohibiting cannabis use at the state level. By 1937 every state had passed laws prohibiting cannabis use.} --Erowid Psychoactive History Vault : U.S. Drug Control Timeline Report of the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. 
Marihuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding. 
Commissioned by President Richard M. Nixon, March, 1972. 
Table of Contents file of the entire report - about 517K
NORML Home / T-shirts & Gear / Grass the Movie
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Comment #17 posted by mayan on April 25, 2005 at 05:43:30 PT
This is just terrible...Woman facing firing squad for marijuana - 27-year-old Australian insists drugs planted in luggage: news...Mexican Marijuana Trade Growing in Quality, Sophistication: marijuana catch-22 for S.F. - 
Proposed rules could unintentionally assist federal prosecution: WAY OUT IS THE WAY IN...9/11 and the Precautionary Principle: Aircraft Parts as a Clue to their Identity: coffers profit from 9/11, coke and courts - FBI linguist won’t deny intelligence intercepts tied 9/11 drug money to U.S. election campaigns: GOP Insider Says He Has 9/11 Smoking Gun: Americans Refuse to Believe the 9/11 Evidence!!!
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Comment #16 posted by Nick Thimmesch on April 25, 2005 at 05:07:38 PT:
So much for...
..."High Time To Regulate the entire Cannabis Industry":Federal drug agents who want to crack down on marijuana use in San Francisco, medical or otherwise, say the city’s plan to regulate the drug may give law enforcement what it needs to do its job: a paper trail. “Yes, we can subpoena documents,” said Lawrence Mendosa, assistant special agent in charge for the San Francisco Field Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration. In My Humble Opinion, regulation, legalization, etc. just plays into their hands.
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Comment #15 posted by FoM on April 24, 2005 at 20:38:47 PT
That's perfect. If only the laws were changed so many people would have work and work that would make people happy. The place we have was our video store and before we bought it a dry cleaner and attached to it is a two story two bedroom house. A family could live in the house and walk into the business and never leave the house if they wanted. We are probably going to sell it this year because an unoccupied house isn't good. I wouldn't ever want to work a store again but I could do work from home and just check in now and then. If I knew that the laws would change in a short time frame we wouldn't sell it but we have a mortgage on it and we're not getting any return. We tried renting it and that was more problems then it was worth. That's sad.
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Comment #14 posted by BGreen on April 24, 2005 at 20:26:51 PT
420 Main Street
There's a building that's been for sale in a little town that I thought would be perfect for a coffeeshop, and I knew I was right when I saw the address was 420 Main Street.How perfect is that?The Reverend Bud Green
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Comment #13 posted by ekim on April 24, 2005 at 19:38:33 PT
can anyone print a CNews Tee shirt for Howard 
hell ya FoM this place is like just like that to me.the clubs are real. leading the wave.debate is now with those like the Kiwanis and Rotarians who also have a great interest into 
State spending and job opportunities and taxes.
I hope the Leap speakers will seek out the farmers too.How can it be that in States like Il. where the farmers and college profs. have called for Cannabis to be grown and it is overturned by a elected official how in the world did those farmers and all those that see the jobs and great boost to the local tax base ever allow that official to be re-elected.If anyone can go see Howard, take him a bite to eat and some carrots for Misty. 
 I can only hope we have a poster or readers from NM that will cheer on Howard. With Millions of us only a small handful dare stick out their chins. May 2 05 Albuquerque Rotary 12:00 PM Howard Wooldridge Albuquerque New Mexico USA 
 Continuing their cross country tour, Board Member Howard Wooldridge and Misty stop to meet with members of the Albuquerque Rotary to discuss various facets of American drug policy. Visit for updates on Howard's journey. 
May 3 05 Sante Fe Radio Café: KSFR 90.7FM 10:30 AM Howard Wooldridge Santa Fe New Mexico USA 
 Board Member Howard Wooldridge and his faithful companion Misty, pause for a bit on their cross country tour to talk to Mary-Charlotte Domandi of the Sante Fe Radio Café Show on KSFR 90.7FM. Howard will be discussing the reason behind his one-man one-horse journey to end the failed war on drugs. Specific topics of discussion are sure to include drug prohbition issues related to the southwest region of the country, the waste of tax payer money on the failed war on drugs, the failed drug warrior ideology and other facets of American drug policy. Visit the Santa Fe Public Radio web site at: Follow Howard's cross country journey at May 5 05 Kiwanis Club of Los Altos 07:00 AM Howard Wooldridge Albuquerque New Mexico USA 
 Members of the Kiwanis Club of Los Altos welcome Board Member Howard Wooldridge for breakfast and discussion of issues related to the failure of America's war on drugs.
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Comment #12 posted by Max Flowers on April 24, 2005 at 17:05:33 PT
No Jurisdiction!
 - The hands-off attitude has allowed San Francisco to become host to more pot clubs than any other city in the United States. - This is because SF is the most assertively, actively, angrily liberal place in the USA. The political price to take the right-wing position would be far too high.- The federal government bans the sale, possession and use of marijuana for any purpose. - I'm sick of hearing that! The federal gov't can't ban SH%T that is not under proper federal jurisdiction for them to ban. They have NO CRIMINAL JURISDICTION in California, or any other state. I wish newspapers would start printing THAT truth, which always needs to be pointed out *before* (or right after) making a silly statement like the one above!!- The Drug Enforcement Administration has taken some action against clubs, but agents have not done a full-scale assault on clubs in the city. - That's because they know damn well that they have no legal right, i.e. NO JURISDICTION, to do such a thing. Any such "action" is 100%, totally illegal and unconstitutional.I have decided that I'm going to keep saying this, and posting this, over and over and over for the rest of my life until everyone realizes the truth: THE FEDS HAVE NO CRIMINAL JURISDICTION IN THE 50 STATES--NONE! Read for yourself at 
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Comment #11 posted by Sam Adams on April 24, 2005 at 16:05:02 PT
Different perspective
It's funny, my reaction to this is that SF should un-regulate everything else to match the cannabis clubs, not the other way around! It seems to be working fairly well to me. A little freedom scares the willies out of newspaper editors for some reason. They run to the government like "Waaaaaah, mommy, help me!"I'm sure "gangs" are also dealing in Vicodin, Ritalin, Oxycontin, etc.
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Comment #10 posted by FoM on April 24, 2005 at 14:37:54 PT
I understand what you mean about how nice it is. Peaceful, pleasant and modestly pretty. We own a building in a small town that we had our video store in. It is empty now but it would make such a beautiful shop if only it would be allowed. I think creating a sense of calm and well being with incense and lighting and music is very important to the success of a business venture like a cannabis shop if it would ever be allowed. Music that is comfortable with all ages. Maybe new age type music. There's a really cool town in Pennylvania called New Hope. It has shops up and down the streets with a new age type enviornment. I was amazed as we walked in and out of the shops at how peaceful I felt.
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Comment #9 posted by freedom23 on April 24, 2005 at 14:25:14 PT
That photo blew me away. It has to be the most peaceful retail purchase I've ever seen made. =) Ever seen people that happy at the local supermarket? I really, really want one to open up in my neighborhood. The mural makes the place. More stores need to look like the AHHS. It's nice to see a store that isn't built entirely out of plastic.
"Bullshit: Penn & Teller" vs the War on Drugs
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Comment #8 posted by FoM on April 24, 2005 at 14:12:52 PT
You said it's time to regulate the entire cannabis industry. Yes it is time. My sleeves are rolled up. What amazes me is what is going on with the cannabis clubs in San Francisco. I know they have a few serious problem because of the rapid growth and it freaks some people out but besides that this is the door to regulation. Once the kinks are worked out it very well could become a shining example for the rest of the USA in my opinion.
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Comment #7 posted by ekim on April 24, 2005 at 14:01:39 PT
High Time To Regulate the entire Cannabis Industry
If change is going to happen we must all roll up our sleeves.Apr 27 05 The Lisle & Hahn Morning Radio Show 08:10 AM Jack Cole San Antonio TX USA 
 Executuve Director Jack Cole will enlighten the San Antonio, Texas rush-hour commuters about the failed war on drugs on the John Lisle and Steve Hahn Morniing Show at KISF 99.5FM. To listen on the Internet go to Apr 28 05 The BJ Ellis Show 07:00 PM Richard Watkins  
 Speaker Dr. Richard Watkins is a welcomed phone in guest on The BJ Ellis Show. Dr. Watkins will be addressing drug prohibition issues such as mandatory minimums, the connection between drug trafficking and violence and the failed drug war's effects on minority populations. The B.J. Ellis Show is available **LIVE** VIA Internet stream (only at this time) on Monday & Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 Eastern Standard Time. Visit for more information.
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Comment #6 posted by FoM on April 24, 2005 at 13:29:51 PT

I was impressed with the picture of the club with the mural on the wall and the Haight is still the same ( way of thinking same ) as it was so many years ago. Somethings just don't change and that's a good thing!
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Comment #5 posted by freedom23 on April 24, 2005 at 13:01:34 PT

Beautiful photos
Those are beautiful photos. Notice there's absolutely no violence or worries about arrest. Just some people buying some marijuana in a safe and very peaceful setting. Imagine how many less cops we would need if all sales happened do this way? The photos are an advertisement that prohibition is a total failure.
"Bullsh*t: Penn & Teller" vs the War on Drugs
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Comment #4 posted by FoM on April 24, 2005 at 10:38:18 PT

Online Poll from The SFC
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Comment #3 posted by FoM on April 24, 2005 at 08:23:41 PT

San Francisco is really growing and it will be hard to stop the growth. If there were only one or two it wouldn't be hard but 43 will be almost impossible.
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Comment #2 posted by tokebloke on April 23, 2005 at 23:26:46 PT

Da Kine?
I thought Vansterdam was way ahead of the rest of the world...but these photos tell me they have lots of Da Kine's in California...?tb.
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Comment #1 posted by FoM on April 23, 2005 at 20:36:57 PT

Pictures from The SFC Article
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