Illegal Drug Use is Abuse and Not 'Fun'

Illegal Drug Use is Abuse and Not 'Fun'
Posted by CN Staff on August 09, 2002 at 22:05:17 PT
By James R. McDonough
Source: Orlando Sentinel
I agree with Kathleen Parker's viewpoint in the Sentinel last Sunday that much of the effort to bring down drug abuse should be focused on prevention, education and treatment. Indeed, Gov. Jeb Bush's approach to cutting illegal drug use in Florida in half identifies prevention as the strategic linchpin, supports treatment for the addicted, and balances the overall approach by cutting supplies and going after the traffickers.
But I cannot agree with much of what she offers in her too-glib-by-half rendition of the "truth" as to why illegal drug use is not abuse and, as she puts it, "often quite a lot of fun. . . ."Ask the 21,000-plus children and 119,000-plus addicts in state-supported treatment services in Florida about the "fun," or the hundreds of thousands more trying to get treatment, their parents, spouses and children, and the victims of their drug-induced "choices." By the time they are into the snorting (up the nose) and injecting (into the veins) that Parker associates with fun, they report that their lives have become overwhelmingly miserable, and so it seems by every measure.While marijuana does not directly kill (as does heroin, crack and other drugs), it is hardly the benign drug described in her article. In Orlando, the major treatment centers report more than 50 percent of the children they treat are addicted to marijuana. This is true around the state.Moreover, the correlation between marijuana use and bad behavior is stark; violence, truancy, vandalism and so on all go up in direct proportion to pot smoked. Parker argues that marijuana use does not always lead directly to other drugs, and she is correct, just as drunken driving doesn't always lead to car crashes. But the probabilities go way up -- 80 times over, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. So, too, does the correlation between marijuana use and delinquent behaviors.And what about Parker's argument that the use of illegal drugs grows because of the very fact that it is forbidden, which leads to her surmise that if some were made legal but "controlled" for youth, the attraction would diminish?Alcohol and tobacco are legal for adults (but illegal for children); their usage rates by kids are three and two times, respectively, the marijuana rates. This is hardly a reassuring sign that making marijuana legal but "controlled" will lower youth use.Experts, such as Dr. Robert Dupont, author of The Selfish Brain, and Dr. Mitch Rosenthal, president of Phoenix House, the largest treatment system in the United States (and both giants in the field of addiction and treatment), believe that both use and addiction will expand if harmful drugs are made legal.Parker calls for truth, and with that I could not agree more. The truth is that it is the illegal drugs, and not the laws that curtail their use, that cause the greater harm.James R. McDonough is the director of the Office of Drug Control for Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. Source: Orlando Sentinel (FL)Author: James R. McDonoughPublished: August 10, 2002Copyright: 2002 Orlando SentinelContact: insight orlandosentinel.comWebsite: Related Articles:Noelle Bush Gets Rehab, Poor & Black Hard Time War on Drugs is Lacking Fundamental Honesty Use Down -- But It Depends
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Comment #43 posted by Jose Melendez on August 11, 2002 at 06:23:53 PT
Where zero tolerance leads
...Taylor Hess, an upstanding Texas high school student who was expelled when a round-pointed bread knife was found in the back of his pickup truck in a school parking lot. It had fallen out of a box while Hess was carrying some of his grandmother's things to Goodwill. The school district's zero-tolerance policy denied the principal the opportunity to exercise his own discretionary judgment on the matter and called instead for a mandatory one-year expulsion. But after a media brouhaha that turned into a P.R. disaster for the school district, discretionary judgment is exactly what ended up being used. Hess was ultimately reinstated.
From Slate Magazine
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Comment #42 posted by Jose Melendez on August 11, 2002 at 06:00:29 PT
thess = these
Of course, the public would be better served if I could type...
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Comment #41 posted by Jose Melendez on August 11, 2002 at 05:59:29 PT
Why 6 million?
... that last statistic is kind of a non-sequitur. Why use a 10 year period? Why not use the the yearly stats from legal drugs?Plus, it's a bit confusing, especially without any other context. Maybe a comparitive stat with all illicit drug deaths.I figured: It's true. Greater than 6 million Americans die every ten years from legal drugs, with over 400,000 annual deaths from tobacco alone. (Prescription drugs kill 110,000, alcohol takes 100,000 lives in this country every year.)Six million Jews were killed by Nazis in World War II, and the public might understand the gravity of thess figures better when compared to numbers they are familiar with.It forces those on the other side of this argument to try and refute the numbers, and of course since they are accurate, they are impossible to deny.Just trying to arrest prohibition...
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Comment #40 posted by p4me on August 10, 2002 at 11:14:05 PT
Prohibitionist are down to interviewing fools 
Parker calls for truth, and with that I could not agree more. The truth is that it is the illegal drugs, and not the laws that curtail their use, that cause the greater harm.This is the statement of a fool. Take note as these statements are on the retreat. How could anyone have such a distorted view? I do like that part about the truth though so I will correctly say that the drug laws are many times more harmful than the oxymoron of controlled substances. 1,2
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Comment #39 posted by observer on August 10, 2002 at 08:22:31 PT
Prohibition Propagandist McDonough
Illegal Drug Use is Abuse and Not 'Fun'This is the old "All Use Is Abuse" prohibition theme.4. The Concept of "Controlled" Usage is Destroyed and Replaced by a "Domino [aka Stepping-Stone/Gateway] Theory" of Chemical ProgressionIn general this strategy equates the use and abuse of drugs and implies that it is impossible to use the particular drug or drugs in question without physical, mental, and moral deterioration. Such a view holds that there are powers within the drug over which no one can exert control. Parker argues that marijuana use does not always lead directly to other drugs, and she is correct, just as drunken driving doesn't always lead to car crashes. But the probabilities go way up -- 80 times over, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. So, too, does the correlation between marijuana use and delinquent behaviors.Again, the all use is abuse theme: any use of marijuana (driving or not, any use) is just like "drunken driving", according this this Giant of the Prohibitionist Faith. The insinuation is that the majority or most marijuana users (with rare exception) end up as heroin or coke addicts. We've seen this technique before.The history of prohibitionist pronouncements is replete with examples which propose a "domino [gateway] theory" of chemical usage. Such a theory holds that the use of a particular drug (usually the one presently targeted for prohibition) inevitably and with rare exception leads-to the use of other drugs (usually drugs already prohibited or drugs already defined as evil). While marijuana does not directly kill (as does heroin, crack and other drugs), it is hardly the benign drug described in her article. In Orlando, the major treatment centers report more than 50 percent of the children they treat are addicted to marijuana. This is true around the state.(Prohibition propaganda theme #5: The drug is associated with the corruption of young children.)Any child caught using any amount of marijuana is forced into "treatment". This, according to the propagandists like McDonough, means they are "addicted to marijuana". Of course, no one at all in the treatment racket (their incomes depend on a steady stream of such paying "addicts") and no one at all in the government (their incomes also depend on a steady stream of such paying "addicts") has anything to gain financially from such a convenient arrangement. So we can of course trust every word that McDonough and his ilk spit out in their pat answers. No vested interest, there.
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Comment #38 posted by FoM on August 10, 2002 at 08:21:16 PT
Just a Note
For any antis that might be reading this. I haven't done a hard illegal drug since the mid 70s but you never forget.Swampie, I don't know how to make the comments wider. Some of the html stuff I just don't understand.
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Comment #37 posted by Robbie on August 10, 2002 at 08:19:13 PT
Jose, RE: #33
That was a good letter to the editor. But, IMHO, that last statistic is kind of a non-sequitur. Why use a 10 year period? Why not use the the yearly stats from legal drugs?Plus, it's a bit confusing, especially without any other context. Maybe a comparitive stat with all illicit drug deaths.I may be all wet (of that, I have no doubt) but that was my impression reading it.
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Comment #36 posted by FoM on August 10, 2002 at 08:11:47 PT
You know it's the truth. We're not masochists. I don't mean that drugs don't have bad side effects because they do. When you do speed like the air force people do you can fly and fly and fly and never leave the ground for days on end. But all things that go up must come down and people need to understand that and until proper drug use and abuse can be taught we will have people stepping over the line and getting strung out. PS: pppp, I forgot about alcohol. That's a pukey drug! LOL!
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Comment #35 posted by aocp on August 10, 2002 at 07:23:57 PT
Just kidding but you're right about what you said. Drugs are fun. That's reality. I never in my wild and crazy years did a drug that wasn't fun. Why would anyone do drugs if they aren't fun? So uninformed. No one should be able to comment on drugs unless the have experienced them. Then I'll listen.As Renton so eloquently put it in trainspotting, "people think it's all about the death and destruction and shite like that, but what they forget is the pleasure of it! Otherwise, we wouldn't do it! After all, we're not f***ing stupid ... or at least we're not that f***ing stupid. (in reference to heroin use, anyway)
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Comment #34 posted by aocp on August 10, 2002 at 07:20:01 PT
just choose a damn system of control!!
Alcohol and tobacco are legal for adults (but illegal for children); their usage rates by kids are three and two times, respectively, the marijuana rates. This is hardly a reassuring sign that making marijuana legal but "controlled" will lower youth use.So, you're saying that cannabis prohibition is the better system for controlling alcohol and tobacco, yes? Shouldn't you be thinking of the freaking children, you bloodsucking parasite?
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Comment #33 posted by Jose Melendez on August 10, 2002 at 06:33:06 PT
Letter to editor
Sat, 10 Aug 2002 06:20:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Air Jose Melendez" 
Subject: Letter to editor: Arrest Prohibition
To: dtate
I want to thank the Orlando Sentinel for publishing
Florida Drug Control Office Director Jim McDonough's
hypocritical lecture last Friday. (Illegal Drug Use is
Abuse and Not 'Fun' August 9th, 2002)
The editorial proves Kathleen Parker's point, that
drug criminalizers do more harm than good by not
telling the whole truth. Any high school debate team
member could point out that McDonough's numbers
disingenuously ignore the truth: "marijuana addiction
treatment" is mandated by the state, and the majority
(around 90 percent) of pot smokers eventually quit and
do not go on to harder drugs.
No one responsibly suggests arresting citizens for the
use of legally poisonous and addictive nicotine,
alcohol or caffeine. And, file this under H for
hypocrisy: even the date rape drug GHB has been
approved by the FDA. Perhaps not coincidentally, the
manufacturers of those products heavily fund efforts
to maintain the status quo.
Thanks for not ignoring the truths surrounding this
issue. With over 6 million Americans dying every ten
years from legal drug use, the war on (some) drugs is
increasingly exposed as treason, and should be
Jose Melendez
Deland, FL
Orlando Sentinel Newsroom Contacts
Orlando Sentinel Newsroom Contacts
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Comment #32 posted by John Tyler on August 10, 2002 at 06:23:58 PT
Same old lies
What can you expect from this guy, he is the Propaganda Minister for Florida.
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Comment #31 posted by SWAMPIE on August 10, 2002 at 05:47:16 PT
 My brother has a 16-track reel to reel,a huge board,and everything to make studio-quality recordings,and then he transfers them to digital.I have a cd that he burned for me and it came out good.Myself,being from outer space as well,just ain't too sure how to run these Gol'derned newfangled contraptions and don't want to make any smoke other than what I already make!LOL!My bro' is kinda' eccentric,and therefore I want to learn by myself how to make my guitar work with the MIDI so I can record some tracks.We'll talk more,my wife just came home. SWAMPIE
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Comment #30 posted by dddd on August 10, 2002 at 05:19:56 PT
...It is excellent to see you....I dont know exactly how the #15 widescreen thing happened,,,but I am going to find far as FoM knowin' how to get wide-screen format,,,,I dont think FoM knows about the obscure intimate details concerning the weird strangeness that occured in commenty #15.....only ppp knows how it happened,and I think I know how to get ahold of him.
...I'm glad I'm not the only one who does business with far as recording your potential hits on the computer,,,dont waste your time.....lay down your tracks on a cassette deck,,and when you feel you have perfected the mega-hit that will shoot your old ass to stardom heaven,,,just go to a reputable recording studio,and hope for the fame and fortune that comes with mega rockStardom....perhaps you want to sell your soul,,and become a male version of Britanny Spears,,or maybe a male version of Liberace,or Ricky Martin,,,who knows,,if you play your cards rite,, you might end up in outer space with Lance Bass,and his wonderful ass!..
....but...seriously...I've been messing about with MIDI for many years,MIDI is cool,,and I have digital audio capabilities on my newest computer,,but I've learned that it dont make no sense to plug in my old buzzy Stratocaster,into some sterile digital recording setup.......(you were probably just joking about all that,,and now I look like a turkey!....oh aint the first time)......indeedddd
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Comment #29 posted by SWAMPIE on August 10, 2002 at 05:17:07 PT
B Green......
 I have plugged directly into my soundcard with an adapter,and even though my axe has hot pickups,[Humbuckings in a "69"Kalamazoo",it won't come through.A mike works ok.Not too much hum.I'm thinking about buying a small mixer.Don't really need any effect-pedal with the pickups and phase-reversal.It has all the sound you want!Have you ever played/toured with Zappa?He is my all-time favorite musician,although I have always had an open mind for all music.dddd is also quite the unique musician as well.Have you heard his MP3 titled"Evil-Empire"? I'm sure he will post it again if we ask?I have it on my list! Nice to meet you!! ONWARD THROUGH THE FOG!!! SWAMPIE
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Comment #28 posted by BGreen on August 10, 2002 at 04:57:59 PT
You can plug directly into your soundcard, but it'll be a dry, unflattering signal. If you use effects pedals and they have gain (volume) controls, set them at unity gain. That's the condition when the volume of the effect engaged is equivalent to that of the effect bypassed.I have a little BOSS TM-7 Guitar Monitor that I use to connect, because it has RCA outputs, and sends a decent signal to my computer.If you don't amplify the guitar signal, then you won't damage your line-in on your soundcard, so experiment away.The major problem I have is the buzzing sound my guitar picks up if I'm too close to the computer.
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Comment #27 posted by SWAMPIE on August 10, 2002 at 04:41:39 PT
 I'm not sure how you made the #15 comment go to widescreen,but I've seen it many times before on some comments.Perhaps FoM could give us a clue as to how to make that option work?It's like lookin' at a Fat Bob Harley with Pop-Bottle-glasses!It was a great comment,though!I have a custom-built computer that I bought at the local pawn shop fr $300,and it came from Cali,MIDI and all!Just gotta figure out how to work it all.Trying to learn how to do pictures too.My brother got a digital camera and I took some great budshots.Do I need a preamp to hook up my guitar so I can record?We need to write some inspirational music for our movement!Have you visited Pot-TV.NET.,and watched "Grassmusic"? Good Day! SWAMPIE
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Comment #26 posted by dddd on August 10, 2002 at 04:40:34 PT
..thanx BGreen...
..I thought maybe my ISP had OD'd on HTML,,or sumpthin........I think I'll give 4p a call,and see how he did it.. ..dddd
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Comment #25 posted by BGreen on August 10, 2002 at 04:11:27 PT
I wasn't going to say anything
#15 was wick-wick whack. I thought there might be some deep meaning, but I couldn't figure it out.
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Comment #24 posted by dddd on August 10, 2002 at 04:05:41 PT's what I'm wondering about?... would seem that some anomole occured on post # 15........Is it just me,and/or my aging Macintosh,,or did the formatting somehow take on a unique look?.....I think it's pleasantly astounding,,but maybe everyone else is normal????...Am I in Outer Space?...dddd
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Comment #23 posted by qqqq on August 10, 2002 at 03:55:51 PT
...The High Desert...
...I used to think the desert would be boring and spartan...after all,,I grew up in the Great Northwest just north of Seattle,,and we used to go hiking in the rain forests of the Olympic Penninsula..The Hoh River valley is indescribably awesome!...After extensive explorations,,I could not imagine any desert would dazzle me..... BUT,,years later,, I went camping in Joshua Tree National Monument...It's in the high desert,(about 5000 feet),,just north of the valley where Palm Springs is...... Joshua Tree is right on the San Andreas fault,and it is mystical,and spectacular....huge rock formations,,,and surrealistic Joshua Trees...(the only place on earth where Joshua Trees are found!)........ Even without drugs,,,one becomes stoned on the galactic fantasmufrangomistical type feeling and stuff..........come on down Indy!  I dare you to visit old uncle qqqq.....
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Comment #22 posted by BGreen on August 10, 2002 at 03:28:54 PT
Nick Cage on Saturday Night Live
The skit where he and his wife were trying to think of a name for their baby, and Nicks' character finds some rhyme or other way to show how people would make fun of each name.Finally, somebody comes to the door and asks, "Mr. Asswipe?" Cage shouts (phonetically) Oz-weep-ay.Bob Weiner makes it too easy.I heard Moon Zappa say her brother Ahmet got called "Ahmet Vomit," so he wanted to be called "Rick." Then, people called him "Rick the Dick."Sometimes we just can't win.
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Comment #21 posted by Industrial Strength on August 10, 2002 at 03:21:33 PT
You sound like my kind of girl!I would actually really like to visit a desert one day. I see desert landscapes on tv and they are so ruggedly, desolately beautiful. Wouldnt like to stray very far from the car that means I can leave though.
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Comment #20 posted by SWAMPIE on August 10, 2002 at 03:13:14 PT
.....Bob Weiner....qqqq
 As far as I know,his first cousin is Sally Suckumsilly.qqqq,Your High Desert idea is brilliant!Don't forget the face paint and cameras though.It wouldn't be complete without that and some guitars,drums,etc....I sincerely believe that anyone who casts stones at us stoners without trying it first should be force-fed several big shotguns of freshly cured super skunk and then asked to form an opinion.
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Comment #19 posted by BGreen on August 10, 2002 at 03:12:38 PT
Too funny, pppp
I was under the impression you were a 14-year-old girl posing as an old hippie with multiple personalities. LOLThere was this woman deputy down in Texas at the Willie Nelson concert I went to that was a total bitch. She told us to back up, and my wife asked "how far," and bitch woman said "Don't get smart, just move back." She treated other people with the same bitchiness. She was a poster child for my experience with cops. I don't ask them for help, because I know they can't and won't. I've never personally met one in the USA that wasn't the most cocky, arrogant, power-crazed, evil-eyed and sleazy object I've ever encountered. I'd love to meet one, but I'd have to travel pretty far away from any place in the states I've been.
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Comment #18 posted by pppp on August 10, 2002 at 02:53:11 PT
..Indy...I got lucky...
..with the "bored" title.....I started writing all that long before I saw your chat room/bored post Indy..I went off-line and wrote it,,and then right before I posted it,I saw your comment,,and decided to title it accordingly...
 .after all,,I am just a 14 year old policewoman cadet,,and me and my writing skills are still developing...perhaps you and Mr Green would like to give me your email address,,home address,,credit card numbers,,and home phone number with any other personal information....and we can go out to the desert and party!..I am stupid and young,,and my favorite thing is to meet strange older men on the internet.... the way,,,does anyone know anything about this Bob Weiner guy?...Is that his real name?.. Bob Weiner?.. ...can you imagine growing up with a name like Bob Weiner???... I wonder if he's related to Ben Dover?
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Comment #17 posted by Industrial Strength on August 10, 2002 at 02:27:32 PT
one hell of a post
Right now I just feel locked. I cant think of anything, so I'm typing the nothing that I'm thinking. It would take me a long time to craft such a response. I would love to see a desert. I wish this wasn't a post for posts sake. I wish it contained something. Most of those cops posing as 14 year olds would be doing it on their own time, not for any kind of crime fighting purpose.
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Comment #16 posted by BGreen on August 10, 2002 at 02:01:12 PT
If this was a chat room ...
We'd have cops here posing as 14-year-old girls.
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Comment #15 posted by pppp on August 10, 2002 at 01:50:12 PT
...yup.....ya hit that nail on the head goneposthole......this aint no cheap,,cut-rate,, "generic",plain label drug war. ..This is the Hampton-Royal Epicurian-LearJet-Powdered White Rhino Horn drug war!..No expense has been spared to make sure that this is the absolute best drug war that our tax money can buy!...and the Cadillac terror war is going to make the drug war look like a Datsun "Honeybee",,or a 1973 Ford Granada.....they aint cuttin' any corners anywhere!,,in fact,, it seems to me,that there are so many huge stacks of money laying around,,that they need to hire a bunch of new people to decide where to spend it,,(or conceal it!.?)...(talk about a "cartel",,,,this is gangsterism....we are getting FUCKED!)
....I dont even own a BB gun....I just throw little rocks,and dirt-clods around to annoy people.... EJ's from LA though,,,,and I'll bet she's packin' a hand held Howitzer!..(?).. ..(..sorry,,just jivin' know I love you,,and so does most everyone else.)
.." Drugs are fun. That's reality. I never in my wild and crazy years did a
      drug that wasn't fun. Why would anyone do drugs if they aren't fun? So uninformed. No one should be able to
      comment on drugs unless the have experienced them. Then I'll listen."
...Shame on you FoM!....I think you are right,,except for the 'never did a drug that wasnt fun',,thing....I dont know about you,,but I never had fun dry-heave barfing my guts out,after overindulging in liquor.,,I could go on with more tales of unpleasant experiences involving "too much" drugs........My favorite part of your comment,,,is the,".... No one should be able to
      comment on drugs unless the have experienced them. Then I'll listen."...........
..Right On!...From now on,,if you havnt experienced drugs you are talkin' about,,then keep your fuckin' mouth shut ,because you be talkin' SHIT!................
.......give me one weekend in the desert,,with Walters,and Hutchinson,,,I'll disguise myself as Bob Weiner,,,and slip some lsd,or mushrooms into the beef stew,,,then I'd have NuevoMexican,and ZeroG come by,,disguised as Bill Bennett,and Barry McCaffrey.........(maybe I could get CongressmanSuet to dress up as George Will!)...anyway,,,the discussions would go on deep into the night,around a large campfire...In the high desert,you can step away from the fire,and see galaxys,[(..and you dont even need drugs!)]...anyway around 3:30 in the morning, people would start wandering in around the campfire. ,,Kaptinemo,,  then Observer a bit later Lehder and p4me,EJ,doczombie,dimebag,goneposthole,lookinside,DanB,BGreen,FreedomFighter,ekim,Sam Adams,JR Bob Dobbs,Hope,SWAMPIE,MikeEEE,Ethan,Eltoonces,Indy, Toker00(and i_rule) ,Greenfox, PaulPeterson, JoseMenendez,DrGanj,cltrldmg,MilitaryOfficerGuy,Herbdoc,CannabisCrusader,SoberStoner,Rambler,WolfgangWild,FrankSWorld,Lurker,SpaceCat,RevJonathanAdler....and dozens of other commentators of distinction who I stupidly spaced out about remembering to mention..........
...well,,,I guess ya'all will have to finish this tall tale from here.....I must reluctantly admit,,I bit off more than I could chew ,,once again.............
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Comment #14 posted by Industrial Strength on August 10, 2002 at 01:22:42 PT
chat room
A few times, dddd, you have mentioned using the comments section as a chat room...I'm bored. LoL.
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Comment #13 posted by goneposthole on August 09, 2002 at 23:50:32 PT
James R. McDonough
Try to see it from Mr. McDonough's point of view. Show some respect for the job he does. He has a 'fun' job.I am sure he receives a great big fat check. Can't deny anyone there means of making a good living.He's the drug czar for Florida, for God sakes. Give him a break. Knighthood and Sainthood awaits him.Stop interfering with all their officialdom and rule of law. Good Lord.After all, you are paying for the most expensive drug war money has bought; you wrote the check.On second thought, get your money's worth, and raise hell. 
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Comment #12 posted by Industrial Strength on August 09, 2002 at 23:49:10 PT
I can be as touchy as Mike Tyson on a PCP binge sometimes. Well, maybe not that bad. I don't think I'm quite EJ's (as well as quite a few others) caliber. I'm like a little .25 automatic, can't stack up with the .357's and .44's.
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Comment #11 posted by FoM on August 09, 2002 at 23:30:29 PT
Snot-flingin' drunk that's a good one. My poor stomach is going in circles now! LOL!Just kidding but you're right about what you said. Drugs are fun. That's reality. I never in my wild and crazy years did a drug that wasn't fun. Why would anyone do drugs if they aren't fun? So uninformed. No one should be able to comment on drugs unless the have experienced them. Then I'll listen.
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Comment #10 posted by qqqq on August 09, 2002 at 23:30:24 PT it BGreen!...
..dont be pissin' Indy off man!...He's almost more sensitive than you,or FoM.......If he was rubbed the wrong way,.I'll bet he might even be able to beat the shit out of EJ!
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Comment #9 posted by Industrial Strength on August 09, 2002 at 23:28:56 PT
That "hillbilly heroin" craze is a strange one. Just smoke some weed, or at worst do a little blow. Don't inject crushed up pain killers into you.
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Comment #8 posted by pppp on August 09, 2002 at 23:24:01 PT
...nothing "mini" about this f*&king shi%h#ad
....... McDonough is a world class drug war natzi asshole.......he makes Bob Wiener jealous,and was probably a close alternative to Comrad Walters,in the czar appointment paegent!....... ..I'll bet all three of these delusional freaks have entertained fantasys about balling Mary Friend!..... matter how you look at it,,,,,,,,,it aint pretty,,,that is,,unless you consider the title of this story/article.. :" Illegal Drug Use is Abuse and Not 'Fun'..."
...seems like a strange statement to make....Let's think about it,and take a closer look;;;.. "Illegal Drug Use is Abuse and Not 'Fun'",,,OK....are we to then assume that "legal drug use",is not "abuse",,and therefore might be able to qualify as a "fun" thing to do?.... ...furthermore,,, I wonder if there is any approved "legal" drug,that is allowable for people to have "fun" with?...I guess it's OK to have "fun",after you drink coffee...... .....and having a grand old time after pounding down a half rack of Bud Light is not frowned upon,as long as you dont drive around or beat up your husband/wife,,boyfriend/girlfriend.. ...It's OK to get snot-flingin' drunk on whiskey-gin-vodka-wine cooler malt beverages,,and have "fun",in the privacy of your own home....I guess this would be call "legal drug abuse",, which is somehow not the same as "illegal drug abuse"....  I guess it's the "illegalness",that makes it carry the "Not Fun" label.
.." In Orlando, the major treatment centers report more than 50 percent of the children they treat are addicted
      to marijuana." 
 "Moreover, the correlation between marijuana use and bad behavior is stark; violence, truancy, vandalism and so on all
      go up in direct proportion to pot smoked. Parker argues that marijuana use does not always lead directly to other
      drugs, and she is correct, just as drunken driving doesn't always lead to car crashes. But the probabilities go way up --
      80 times over, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. So, too, does the correlation between marijuana use
      and delinquent behaviors."
...I'm sorry,,but it is delightful to see McDonough prove what an ass he is....He is living proof of my theory that says,;;.."People will always be fucked up,,,but the people who are fucked up the worst,,did not need drugs of any kind to get there."....AND!,,,,the people who do get fucked up without "drugs",are the people who end up fucking the shit out of thousands of other peoples lives!.....
...I say;;;"Leave me alone you pompous shithead!"....and....."Let my People GO!".....
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Comment #7 posted by BGreen on August 09, 2002 at 23:14:47 PT
I thought it was a refreshing possibility
that a young man didn't have a vast knowledge of prescription drugs. That's why I made the comment about the PDR. I worked in a pharmacy a few years ago, so I learned a lot, and I saw a lot of F'd up people on multiple prescription "medicines."
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Comment #6 posted by Industrial Strength on August 09, 2002 at 23:04:24 PT
I understood
the last part, just for some reason the thing about the Xanax seemed like you were taking a shot. It's hard to connect the dots that brought about that conclusion but it's all due to my state of mind...
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Comment #5 posted by BGreen on August 09, 2002 at 22:59:42 PT
I'm getting dizzy
It was a JOKE, Industrial Strength, not a slam. Read it again, especially the part about multi-drug abuse. I smoke cannabis and take some vitamins and herbs, that's all. According to the US gov't, I'm smoking grass waiting for the heroin to kick in.
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Comment #4 posted by Industrial Strength on August 09, 2002 at 22:54:47 PT
A typo, whats with the attitude?
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Comment #3 posted by BGreen on August 09, 2002 at 22:50:22 PT
Gosh, I.S., don't you know your pills?
I don't know what "Zanex" is, but I think you were talking about "Xanax."Don't you know that ALL cannabis users are multi-drug abusers? What are your other drugs of abuse? Get your copy of the Physicians Desk Reference and study, study, study!
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Comment #2 posted by Industrial Strength on August 09, 2002 at 22:43:31 PT
Begging to differ
The statistics would agree with me. I wonder what percentage of drug users are hard core addicts. Im betting that it's very small. Having a whole lot of fun. What about Zanex, Jeb?
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Comment #1 posted by BGreen on August 09, 2002 at 22:18:17 PT
Mini-Walters of the Mini-Bush *or* No-Member
Golly gee, when I grow up, I want to screw the WHOLE country instead of just Florida.
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